ForumsGamesNeed help on Sonny 2?

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this is gonna be the help topic where everyone can share their information to help people out if they are stuck on some part of the game, and also you can share glitches/cheats whatever you have to share to help people out.

Please don't post until the game comes out public unless your a Mod or Admin then post.

  • 472 Replies
140 posts

For me no help is needed, I played the game on heroic and I chosen the biological type and I passed it ( the normal mode ) with other types. I recommend you pick the begging skills and upgrade them to the top.

1 posts

How do you beat the colonel as a biological

4 posts

[/i]Since I've been trying to get a top - notch guide for Hydraulic class on Sonny 2 , I am gathering all possible builds and gear I need.What I need to ask you people , is to tell me - where do you find the best gear for ICE Hydraulic?It must contain a lot of Instinct some Ice Piercing (or not it's optional whether how many instinct that gear offers) and of course some Vitality

z4.u get mazing stuff unless u do wot i did and get da cryptic rmor to DaliuXas.

4 posts

u just get a break, cristalise, integrity. chain stun with break, chrstalise, break, chrstalise & den u done. basilli 4 future times wit 3 on 1 den dat combo is easy.

4 posts

why is there nobody commenting now? is it because everybody has finished the game? i have. there is only 2 pages of 2011 comentating. hell is there anyone there keep spamming yes if you still need help.if u do there is a download for hacking the origianal armorgames webstite:// you dont need administrator permission just download it if u need help i trust it. PS no viruses detected from the download (i used my security center) (kasperksy iternet security)

2,081 posts

someone need help fighting the baron as a hydraulic? heres my lot...

stabilise can take his focus away!
ice wall destroys the dmg he deals!
i think the ability is called restore and it heals and regains focus and dispells negative effects!
guardians are resiliant as shiza!

36 posts

baron is easy... just take away all his focus.

Bio: level 2 disrupt (-100 focus) and equip 3 times.
Hydro: level 3 Regulate (sorry, dont really play on hydro)
Psycho: level 2 Traumatize (-30 focus + stun)

4 posts

Here's a foolproof guide for how to beat Baron with Hydraulic. Btw, I'm playing with Heroic class, so I'm not really sure if it would work with easy that well. It works though, on heroic, cause I was only lvl 11 when I defeated Baron. Anyway.

First, Re-Spec all your stats/abilities.

Impair: 1/4 (needed for Wreck)
Hot Blooded: 1/1
Wreck: 2/4 or 3/4 (depending on how much AP you have, also vital)
Regulate: 3/3 (vital, and yes, maxed, in order to counter the Hot Blooded Buff, which is needed for unlocking Wreck.)
Mind Freeze: 1/4 (needed for Flash Freeze)
Flash Freeze: 4/4 (vital)
Ice Wall: 1/4 or 2/4
Glacier: 1/4 or 2/4 (preferably 2/4 or above)

If you're wondering why I used Wreck instead of Decimate, that's because Wreck does a whole lot more Direct Damage. Against Baron, DoT is useless, mainly because he has a 95k life (heroic mode), and the Holy Scars buff appears for only 2 turns. Dead Man's Plea is a very useful buff as well to use on Dux, but the limited number of rounds it lasts is what pulls it down.

If you have any spare points, put them in Glacier or in Ice Wall.

Ability Wheel

2 Wrecks
2 Flash Freeze
2 Ice Walls
Glacier (or Dead Man's Plea if you think it works better for you.
Personally I'd choose Glacier, as the Baron's lowered DD is
very useful in Phase 2.)

Skill Points and equipment
Try to change your equipment to match Vit and Str more. Yes, I did not mention Instinct, because you're going to have to sacrifice ALL your instinct to Dux, in order for him to heal better (his heals are based on instinct, Krin himself said so). His healing powers are vital in defeating Baron. As for yourself, keep your strength highest, and vitality not far behind. Speed is also good, as you do not want to be missing every Regulate or Wreck you make. Neglect Instinct; meaning don't put ANY points in it; it's not needed for this situation. Your stats (with equipment) should look like this:

Inst: 10-20 (depending on equipment bonuses)

Baron's stats & attack styles:
HP: 95k+
Shadow Psychological Build

There are 3 stages to defeating Baron.

Stage 1. Baron will only apply 3 attacks; Tick Tock, Dark Echoes and that energy attack. Your primary objective in this phase is to keep Baron preoccupied with your stuns and with recharging his focus. Set Dux on Defensive to handle healing and Roald on aggresive (not relentless, because his buff Greater Purpose can be of help sometimes). Attack with Flash Freeze and Regulate as much as possible, to lessen his turns and to drain his focus. Trying to damage him with your own attacks would be madness, in the face of his 95k health. With his focus drained however, he damages himself around 4-5k each time. Big difference as opposed to your puny 500 damage. If he happens to hit one of you with Tick Tock, use Ice Wall. combined with Dux's healing, your team would still be in good shape even if two members are tick tocked. Remember to treat Flash Freeze like a breathing room, where you can safely Ice Wall a member or yourself without having Baron attack you again. Keep using Regulate when you can. As for Glacier, do not use it until the second phase as Baron never does any major DD during the first phase.

Stage 2. His life should be somewhere around 30-40k at this phase. This is where Baron forgets his focus levels and goes insane. From hereon end, Regulate is only good for countering the Hot Blooded effect; nothing more. Now he'll start using wild attacks like Epiphany, Nightmare, Doom, Confinement, etc. Contrary to what some believe about tick tock being a pain, this phase is probably the most difficult in defeating Baron. Whenever the Holy Scars buff does pop up though, use Wreck to slice him with your 4k+ attack alone, and put Roald and Dux on relentless, to deliver a guaranteed 6k damage in total. If you're lucky you'll apply the Severe Injury buff when you attack with Wreck, which does around 1000+ more DoT damage for the next round, with holy scars activated. Aside from the Holy Scars situation, keep Dux healing and Roald attacking. His shell shocked stunning effect can save your butt sometimes. As for your flash freezes, keep stunning him. Apply Ice Wall to members who have the epiphany buff, which is like a slightly lesser tick tock buff. If you don't have any other attacks, use Glacier, as it decreases his DD. This is useful for lessening Nightmare, which sometimes does 1000+ damage in one go. Now you can thank yourself for keeping your vitality stat high. Use wreck when you think the situation seems safe to. Your only objectives at this stage are to stay alive and to lessen his life down to around 15-10k.

Phase 3. This is where Baron is at his weakest. Occasionally, the Holy Scars debuff will appear, but it doesn't really matter, as you can handle him yourself. If you've listened to everything I've said so far, your team should be in good shape, with all of them alive; only Roald dead at the very most. From hereon end, it's just stun, slice, and chop, since Baron's attacks grow weaker. Nevertheless, exercise caution, as he might just pop a Nightmare out of nowhere. Still, you'd be strong enough to obliterate the little thing, with half your life gone at the very most.

Hope you enjoyed, and yes, it was one hell of a match. took me 12 mins to finish the whole fight. Congrats, you have defeated Baron Brixuis. yay

43 posts

Wreck is completely useless; it's just a needless re-spec. 4000 on a Holy Scars isn't very impressive, and Mind Freeze is far more useful, as it allows you to prevent Epiphany, Nightmare, etc. while Flash Freeze is recharging. The strategy for phases 1 and 2 is exactly identical. Veradux should have the lowest HP, meaning he'll usually be the one targeted, and Ice Wall makes it easy to keep him safe.

4 posts

Yeah, but without Wreck there's no other way to deal specific damage to him during the second stage. he doesn't recharge his focus anymore but instead relies on your own damage to lessen his life. plus mind freeze is good, but it only works for a few turns and has a ridiculous 7 turn cooldown.

4 posts

The big difference between stage 1 and 2 is draining the focus. In stage 1 you don't need to attack him at all but instead just drain his focus. stage 2 is where you make use of the holy scars debuff and attack him with your most powerful attacks.

43 posts

True, he uses Deep Burning less as the fight goes on, but he will still use it, and Mind Freeze keeps him from using his dangerous moves. It's like Yosuke: powerful moves may make the fight quicker, but they can also make it harder, because without Mind Freeze, you're allowing the Baron to get off Tick-Tock and Nightmare, and especially in a Legend Run, you really don't want to waste the money. I'm not saying Wreck won't work, it's just not needed.

1 posts

Dammit...I missed the screen, where it says how to toggle the heroes and which one taking to battle...can anyone help?

43 posts


2 posts

To defeat the zpci captain just forget the other 2 guys, attack the captain, im hydraulic so i used hipothermia, flash and mind freeze, and frost, and before he dies the soldier will tell you to run to a train and the battle ends.

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