How to beat baron brixuis.(i dont know the spelling hehe)
(I suggest bieng biological)First of all you must have roald and verudux on your team.then you must have these i tems from the store of from training:
Sonny: Frosted Fate-Primary arms Supreme Grasps-Gloves X5C8-5-Footwear X5C8-4-Leggings Righteous Breast Plate or Elite Armor-Body Wear Frozen Helm-Headwear
Veradux: Anything that increases focus,speed,stregth and instinct.
Roald: Cloaking Helm-Headwear Rightfull Grasp-Gloves Rebellion Striker-Primary arms Faith Runners-Footwear Hope's Streghth-Leggings Righteous Breast Plate or Elite Armor-Body Wear
Baron B.'s super attacks: Nightmare Tick Tock
First,all you have to do is keep attacking him while setting your allies strategy to tactical.if baron b. uses "subversion" switch the strategy of your allies to defensive.keep fighting him until his life goes 31000 below.he must have used all his focus on you.if this happens break him to stun him and keep attacking.after he recovers all his focus by using some kind of move he will recieve holy scars time by time.if this happens,hit him with your strongest move.this will cause him damage in thousands becaus of holy scars.if the holy scars gets removed just keep attacking him and also protect veradux because he is the only one that can heal you(exept if he uses tick tock,your dead!!)after some time he will again recieve holy scars.take this as an advantage then hit him with your strongest attack until he dies.if you cant kill him at that time,just keep fighting until the holy scars appear again of if he dies.dont worry about dying(you will surely fail if you die while his life is above 31000)because your team mates can take care it for you.
Aplastante, Mirage doesn't take away the attack, Sonny 2's units' AI is designed to attack the unit with the least health (most of the time). Since Mirage gives your allied unit more health, thus will make the enemy least likely to attack them. If they do they take bonus damage by 400% (on the first level). This ability is scaled in favor of health for it's advantage because you gain 400$ more life, the healing is increased, and the enemy is least likely to attack that certain unit. However, DoT effects, will take longer to kill that target even though the damage is increased by 400$ the bonus life given to that unit will give it even MORE life than it have before (if scaled back down to the original). I have no idea for what reason that causes this.
You can also use the Haunt version of playing prety much the same as yours leaderjoseph but instead of just tryin to get him/her to use all of his/her focus use houan but make it lvl 2/2 so it wil make and easier fight.
Disrupt. Max it. It will take away all his focus and when his focus reach zero, he will case a spell that fill back his focus but decrease his health. Keep hitting him with Disrupt and he´ll end up killing himself.
well if your playing him on hero its nearly impossible and true aim at his focus then when hes weak use all your power when he uses holy scars if not keep destroying his focus