Some time ago, someone was looking for a good ASCII chart. I cannot find that post, however, I found a really good chart that displays both the ASCII value, and the key value for keyboard keys.
There is a difference between the keyCode and the charCode of a key. It is all explained there, and when I have a bit more time, I will copy over some of the information here for people with CS4 or without Flash.
Okay, just browse to: C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\Adobe\\Flash CS3\\en\\Configuration\\HelpPanel\\Help\\LearningAS2\\00001136.html
Actually, that file is created automatically when you install Flash CS3, but it is possible to create a link in html that allows you to access a file on your own computer, but these forums seem to disable any such links.
Also, I think the problem arises because AG automatically converts all backslashes to double backslashes. It is logical that the text is stored this way for some programming languages to be able to acess the text, but they should have some kind of filter that cleans the text up when being displayed on the forums.
Sorry to spam so much, but I have to get this right. Last try. C:\\\\Documents and Settings\\\\All Users\\\\Application Data\\\\Adobe\\\\Flash CS3\\\\en\\\\Configuration\\\\HelpPanel\\\\Help\\\\LearningAS2\\\\00001136.html
I guess I know what chart you reffer to, but it's also available at Flash Help
Is this it?
Letters A to Z and standard numbers 0 to 9 The following table lists the keys on a standard keyboard for the letters A to Z and the numbers 0 to 9, with the corresponding key code values that are used to identify the keys in ActionScript:
Letter or number key Key code ASCII key code A 65 65 B 66 66 C 67 67 D 68 68 E 69 69 F 70 70 G 71 71 H 72 72 I 73 73 J 74 74 K 75 75 L 76 76 M 77 77 N 78 78 O 79 79 P 80 80 Q 81 81 R 82 82 S 83 83 T 84 84 U 85 85 V 86 86 W 87 87 X 88 88 Y 89 89 Z 90 90 0 48 48 1 49 49 2 50 50 3 51 51 4 52 52 5 53 53 6 54 54 7 55 55 8 56 56 9 57 57 a 65 97 b 66 98 c 67 99 d 68 100 e 69 101 f 70 102 g 71 103 h 72 104 i 73 105 j 74 106 k 75 107 l 76 108 m 77 109 n 78 110 o 79 111 p 80 112 q 81 113 r 82 114 s 83 115 t 84 116 u 85 117 v 86 118 w 87 119 x 88 120 y 89 121 z 90 122
Keys on the numeric keypad The following table lists the keys on a numeric keypad, with the corresponding key code values that are used to identify the keys in ActionScript:
Function keys The following table lists the function keys on a standard keyboard, with the corresponding key code values that are used to identify the keys in ActionScript:
Function key Key code ASCII key code F1 112 0 F2 113 0 F3 114 0 F4 115 0 F5 116 0 F6 117 0 F7 118 0 F8 119 0 F9 120 0 F10 This key is reserved by the system and cannot be used in ActionScript. This key is reserved by the system and cannot be used in ActionScript. F11 122 0 F12 123 0 F13 124 0 F14 125 0 F15 126 0
Other keys The following table lists keys on a standard keyboard other than letters, numbers, numeric keypad keys, or function keys, with the corresponding key code values that are used to identify the keys in ActionScript:
Looks like AG didn't like the way it was formatted.
Just to clarify, each group of three is arranged this way (using the lowercase letter u as an example): u - the key or character 85 - the key position on the keyboard 117 - the ASCII value of the key
Note that the uppercase U has a different ASCII value, but the same key position, since it uses the same key on a standard keyboard.
Just a tip, for those of you that their 30 day trial has expired.; The Flash Help can still be accessed! That way, you can still learn Action Script even if your trial has run out, or before you have started the 30 day trial after you have installed Flash for the first time. All html files for Flash Help is located in: (Please tell me this will work now) C:/\\Documents and Settings/\\All Users/\\Application Data/\\Adobe/\\Flash CS3/\\en/\\Configuration/\\HelpPanel/\\Help/\\
Even if it does not format correctly, you get the point.