Hey all, for the past few weeks I've been working on a game idea, and by now there's a playable version. I didn't really know where to put this, so I just posted in this forum section.
In any case, please try it (here) and let me know what you think, any ideas and/or criticism is most welcome. Please note, I haven't done much graphic-wise, so it doesn't look that awesome at all... but the overall idea should be clear.
Pretty Good, it just gets boring after a while. I'm guessing this is still in the works so not to bad, also another thing is couldn't figure what you were supposed to eat and not.
I notice you're perpetuating the classic video game misconception of evolution. Biological evolution does not occur in a single organism. You should call it metamorphosis or something.
Also, you should tell people on Newgrounds that you're looking for an artist. There are tons of them, and the framework you've built is perfect for communicating the idea of what you want them to draw.
Haha, never thought I'd see this thread revived! Almost forgot about it, because of all the stuff I've been doing lately (which includes a ton of AS-related stuff, so the experience gain is huge)
I notice you're perpetuating the classic video game misconception of evolution. Biological evolution does not occur in a single organism. You should call it metamorphosis or something.
Good point. Devour is only a working title though, which gives me the freedom to rename it every day if I'd want to And I did realise the whole misconception thing. I do realize ofcourse that no single organism can evolve in itself, let alone evolve a number of times. However, and I hope to enhance this with a good storyline, this does present an interesting way of playing. I realise it's been done before, but then again - there is hardly any idea that hasn't been thought before. It's how you work it out that matters...
Also, you should tell people on Newgrounds that you're looking for an artist. There are tons of them, and the framework you've built is perfect for communicating the idea of what you want them to draw.
Thanks for the tip! I hadn't actually thought of this before. I'm not yet sure I want a separate artist, but it's definitely something I'll keep in mind. Thanks for your reply!
As for the spore-related posts: I've heard it before, but I myself haven't played spore, and I only vaguely know the way it works. It wasn't an inspiration, in any case. But, from what I understand, Spore was quite successful, so I'll take it as a compliment!
A little bit confusing about what to do but a very neat idea. I think if you gave it an interesting story maybe some different evolutionary paths and it would be an instant hit!
I think if you gave it an interesting story maybe some different evolutionary paths and it would be an instant hit!
Thanks! The way I set it all up should make it relatively easy to add different evolutions and evolutionary paths - so already ahead of you! As for the confusing part, I know I should implement a tutorial of sorts, to guide the player along the first few level-ups. I did however intend it to be a game you have to figure out yourself, find what works best agains specific creatures. Think vulnerable versus hardened bodyparts etc.
Oh, by the way. I just tried out your game. I thought it was a great concept and i really enjoyed it more than i did with other BETA's (if that's what your game is of course My suggestion is that you make turning a little closer, it got a bit annoying when i had to make a big u-turn just to get those little critters/grey foodish things . I read the description on the game and I know you're working on upgrades for the creature.
You probably have most of these ideas but anyways here they go:
- faster swimming/scurrying - The ability to add more parts to your creature.(ie, jaws, fins, horns etc) - Followers to help your little creature in his epic quest in evolution (heehee)
I also had some ideas for the game:
- Predators, bigger and smaller. - Mates, so you can reproduce making more of your certain species. - EXP counter - Medals/awards
Thanks for reading this, and i have high hopes for your game (btw, this took me like 30 mins to write this and come up with the suggestions