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All of civilization has had to retreat deep within the earth's mantle in order to survive. The surface world has been polluted to the point that breathing the air destroy's the human lungs within minute's, causeing extreme pain in the process. The oceans are extremely acidic, and they can no longer support any form of life, the water has turned to poison. When it rain's, the water falling from the sky has a PH level of just below 1. The rain is so acidic that it destroy's living tissue upon contact immediatly, causeing extreme damage, of which nothing can be done about, to anything organic that it comes into contact with. It seemingly erodes away at the human body, but with such fluid quickness that exposure to the rain will kill you in less than 20 seconds. This is the world humanity has given birth to, by the year 2244, March 23rd.
By the time people had realised that something had to be done about the change occuring, it was too late. When the conditions on surface level reached a lethal point, the population of humans on earth was over 8 billion. By the time the first mega city was finally constructed just below the earth's crust, less than 500 million people were still alive. 75% of those who did survive to see the mantle, died of famine. Another estimated 40% of the people who survived the famine, died because of a lack of oxygen. Nearly our entire race was wiped out. Right before our last colony died, the generators that were to be used to change the lethal oxygen from above the surface into breathable oxygen, was completed.
When people retreated to the mantle, technology had been developed that could, through many processes change the atmosphere of earth back to the way it had previosly been, but it is entirely to late for that. Instead they created a large system of incomprehensibly large tunnel's deep within the mantle, pumped good oxygen in and it is a self preserved environment. The water that seeps down through the mantle is filtered so thuroughly that it is safe to drink. They called these large system's " Vaults ". These tunnel's stretch throughout the entire mantle of the planet. None of them are linked though. The sun no longer provides us with the energy we need, we get our heating from the core and use artificial light to assist plant's in their developing process. The water reserves are plentifull, considering the total population of the planet is now less than two billion people. Several hundreds of years pass by.
The year is now 3781, years are all that humanity has kept up with. People have lost track of month's and day's. Time itself no longer exists. The history of the human race has been forgotten, there is no longer any reason to remember back so far, records rarely are found that date back before humanity retreated to the mantle. Most common sicknesses from the surface world have dissapeared completely. The chances of a pandemic forming is very low.
There is one government, stretched out acrossed the planet. They are unjust and corrupt. The people live in famine and filth. There is law, but it is manipulated in such a way that entire familie's can be put to death at a time without fair trial or question. Almost as if life itself was one large genocide. The government is willing to sacrifice anything in order to reach its goals. People begin to mysteriosly dissapear, no one knows what is happening to them. One day they are with us, the next they are just gone, as if they hadnt ever existed. No one that ever went missing ever came back.
Each day that goes by, the government pump's less and less oxygen into the super cities, the people are slowly sufficating to death. Instead, they pump the oxygen into large complexes that the government has recently constructed above surface. This goes on for seven more years. No one know's exactly what happen's up there, but over a course of time many rumor's begin to spread, some of them bieng that the complexes were completely air tight building's and that the government is going to begin exploring the outside world, by useing the complexes. Later, another rumor gets around, and it shocks everyone. The people that supposedly had gone missing, were abducted by the government. They were used as guinea pigs for sick experiments, turning them into monsters. For seven more years, this goes on. The lack of good oxygen ends up killing off hundreds of thousands of people, an entire city even, was completely killed. But why would they do this? The city was never repopulated, it's completely abandoned now.
A large group of people revolt, but they are fighting a pointless war. The existing government is simply too vast and dangerous for the rebel's to effectivly diminish them. Every day you hear of small rebel bases and camps bieng discovered, and of how they are massacred by the government forces with ease.
Gun's are no longer in production, and they are extremely rare. Ammunition is no longer made, anywhere. If someone has a gun, it is normally used as decoration considering they are no longer in circulation. The use of guns is feared, not just because they are extremely dangerous, but because there are countless pockets in earths mantle that are just filled with natural gasses, some of them flammable. Because of this, every living person is required to wear a device on their person, the device detects natural gasses and gives a brief description on the danger level of the gas. If it is combustable, all guns in the general area will be confescated untill the gas is disposed of. If it is poisonous, or dangerous to our health in any way, the area will be evacuated and special teams will be sent in to dispose of the gas.
The most common weapon's are sharp, or pointed with a steel tip, some people use classic weapons such as bows. Very few people choose to use blunt weapons, as they are very heavy and hard to control. All citizens above the age of 21 are entitled to a weapon. Most weapon's are made completely of earth's common minerals, though some people choose to craft their weapons from crystal as old as earth itself, the crystal is rare, even more so than guns, but it is as solid as carbon, and light as a feather.
Very few people live to see this type of crystal, You could search for it your entire life and not find it. You cant just buy crystal weapons anywhere, it is illegal to sell them for profit. They are so rare that they are priceless. If you have the knowledge on how to craft them, than that is your secret and your secret alone. Even if you do know how to craft a good quality crystal weapon, You probably won't find any crystal to craft from anyway, even so, crafting them is hard work, crafting a single sword of crystal can take as long as seventy years, but thats if its of good quality. The government keeps records of who has access to crystal weopons, and they find out seemingly immediatly if anyone obtains one illegaly.
In 3785, the rebel's are announced to have all been killed off. Any rebel's that were willing to join the government military movement were given the priveledge to live. But the life of an Ex. Rebel, in the governments military is not an easy one. They do the grunt work, and never get any form of respect. Life continues in the way that it had since humanity first retreated to the mantle.
After the fall of the rebellion, several smaller groups came into play. They werent all rebels, but they were their own small governing bodies. They came to become known as clans, or guilds. Some of them faught against the government, some of them didnt even care about the government.
In the year 3788, the secret of the large complexes above the surface, are no longer secret. Everyone hear's the news within day's. It turn's out that most of the rumors we had heard several years back, were true. The government was planning on an exploration of the surface to see if it was inhabitable, and they also turned many people into something not quite human. We refurred to them as mutants.
The mutants were no longer considered a part of our society, and they had no rights. Most of them were used for manual labor, and some actually benefit the government. As of now, we only know of three mutants. Brahmen, Sergo, and Vegatoke. We do not know, at this time, if they are planning on produceing different types of mutants.
The complexes the government had created were point's of observation to view the outside world. They observed for several months. These complexes had stretched for hundred's of miles, the building's themselves were comparable to mountain's. One day, the government decide's to open the large door's on every complex so they can send people out to explore. What they find, shocks them. Life, had found a way to adapt to the surface world. But it was not intelligent life, they were animal's driven by pure instinct. Every plant encountered seemed to be carnivorous. Some of them documented large enough to eat a man whole. Most animals that were discovered were amphibious, and canabal. Considered extremely dangerous. The atmosphere irritated our lungs, but it was not lethal. Within a few generations of surface life for us humans, our body's would adapt to the new environment hopefully.
When we again emerged above the surface, we once again harnessed electricity as a power source. With electricity, once we have enough settlements and safe areas we would be able to go into a state of mass production and industrialize.This is the governments ultimate goal. But the next series of events have proven to be quite an obstical, preventing them from attaining this goal for the time bieng.
For five more year's, the explorations continue. But the dangerous creatures of the surface find their way to most of the entrences to the complexes, but not all of them. They savagely attack and kill our soldiers. They root themselves into the foundation of earth's crust, and begin to systematicly attack our underground cities, testing our defences. There are reports of strange parasite like creatures makeing their homes inside of our vault systems. Because of this, we had to link every under ground city. This was to prevent the loss of large colonies, and to provide a retreat incase of a full scale invasion. Apparently, they were not as dumb as we had thought. In fact, they seemed to be just as intelligent as us. By this time, humanity had a multitude of small camp's made all acrossed the surface world. But without a constant supply of food and water from the Vualts they would soon die. Without a plentifull ammount of merchants, and soldiers to protect the merchants, humanity may never become the most dominant race on the surface of earth again.
To make things even worse, there has been an increase in volcanic activity throughout the mantle. The tectonic plates have moved in such ways throughout the last thousand or so years that it is opening vents of magma near some of our mega cities. If there were to be an eruption of magma within one of our cities, or several of them, the result would be catastrophicly bad. Life below the surface is getting so dangerous that the average death rate per day is in the hundred thousands.
You play as one of these classes, each with it's specific role.
Government Agent :
The Agent's are responsible for defending the main entrences to the largest cities. They do not venture to the surface, but simply stay under ground to repel the nonstop waves of surface creatures. The life of an agent is normally short lived. They get the most action from the surface dwellers. Agents are replaced daily. They are placed at bunkers to every known hole big enough to have some kind of monstrosity come through, near an entrence to underworld, that is. Agents do not recieve much pay but get most of their money by takeing money from others, which they usually bully, sometimes kill people to obtain. Trained in the sword and hammer. They often use a method which involves one agent luring a creature into a small area, then they carefully kill it. They are able to obtain any type of armor but the government feels no need to give them any because they die so quickly. Why waste money? If an agent has armor, it's because the previous owner is dead, or it was stolen.
Government Infiltrator :
The infiltrator disguises him or herself to appear as a settler or dweller. The government sends a certain number of spies into each city, and they act as the governments eyes and ears. If the infiltrator can get recruited into any anti-government movements, he or she will do so, and in turn they will turn in the group of people to the government soldiers. This is what the Infiltrators main objective is, to weed out anything that can potentially cause harm to the government. A master of disguising and infiltration, they are usually only equipped with daggers and knives, though the amount they posses varies on how willing they are to hide them.. They wear very light chain armor under regular clothing. Rarely recieve pay but recieve a huge sum of money if turning in a whole section of betrayees. Finding a rebel base is worth more than five hundred pieces of silver, so much that they can nearly retire. Doing this is extremely rare, and probably wont happen throughout the life of this RP.
Government PD :
The police, basically. They are responsible for keeping order in the underground world. The PD is the lowest form of the government, it's members were not skilled enough to get into any other branch of the government. Recieve moderate pay and under no circumstances can they be caught in illegal deeds. Although most do work for some biased group and help them more than the citizens they serve. They are trained in basic weaponry. They wear a unifrorm, as any police officer would, and move fairly quickly.
Government Soldier :
The soldier is deployed into extremely hostile environment's, normally suicide missions. They are used as tool's to wipe out small communities of surface dwellers. Though it is not unusual to hear of entire garrison's of infantry bieng wiped out within two or three hours of combat. Soldiers are also used to escort settlers to their destinations, and often live with the settlers to ensure that they are not killed. Soldiers do not get paid much for their active duties and are allowed two days out of every week, or eight days a month, to do mercenary work. Trained in all forms of weaponry except ranged weapons like the sling and throwing weapons, but they have use in bows, do not get many arrows. Often, the soldier is skilled enough to make his own arrows.
Government Settler :
You have been chosen by the government to inhabit specific selected area's of the surface world deemed worthy of supporting life, though the living conditions will be life changing. You have no combat background and do not know how to use any form of weapons, yet the fate of the human race rest on your shoulders. You have no military background or use in weapons. Facing certain doom is rather intimidating to nearly all of the settlers that are made to go to the surface. They are allways accompanied with soldiers and are never to far from the entrences to the underworld. Will you be able to ensure the survival of your camp, and somehow help the soldier's protect it? Settlers can choose an occupation.
Ex. Rebel :
You were one of many rebels who were captured and forced to change into government military, or die. What you do now is going to affect the future of your race. Help the government in it's quest to return to the surface, or begin working with the others who are willing to help you, to bring about the downfall of the government. (The rebel's do not wish to return to the surface, for fear of what danger lurks above.) They, like the infiltrators, are masters in disguise. Ex. Rebels get by on sheer instinct and know only how to preserve themselves. They do care about the people around them, but they also have strong beliefs in self preservation.
Vualt Dweller :
You have been living underground for your entire life, infact you have lost count of the generation's of your family that have made the underground world your home. You are sensitive to light and the surface world is not even an option for you, you are doomed to the depths of the mantle for the rest of your life. You are truly a slave to the government, but not all hope is diminished, you can still work for the government as usual or even join a resistance group. You have no weapon proficiency, yet, take up an occupation that get's you training and that can change. You do have the potential to be trained like a soldier in either groups. You recieve no pay and have lived in beggar-like conditions your whole life. You can be trained in nearly anything and are the only human class to have the ability to learn so rapidly. Dwellers may choose an occupation.
Merchant :
You do not have a home, you are nomadic, but not savage.. Your entire life you are transporting goods to and from the surface world. You make a good income by doing this, it's dangerous work. Most merchants feel that it is neccesary to hire soldiers to help protect them along their way. The most profitable trading branch is in dealing with slaves, it is also the most dangerous because of all the dangers associated with the nomads on the surface who seem to find the brahmen meat a delicacy. Merchants may not master any weopon.
Nomad :
Wandering the surface, frequently raiding villages set up by the government, to make sure they keep themselves supplied. Sometimes hired by rebels to cause confusion and general chaos amongst the government. They arm themselves with basicly anything, though they can not master their weopons. They do not have the ability to obtain crystal weapons, considering they do not spend any time underground. Usually armored with wood or stone tied together with rope, they use whatever they find. The Nomads are the most evolved form of humans on the surface and have no qualms about being in the harsh environment. They have no education, on the surface there is no one to teach you even the scantest of information, all that you learn is what your father teaches you and even he only taught you the basics of hunting and fishing, though both are dangerous. Nomads do not kill brahmen, they eat them, slowly. Nomads have some training in taming animals, though it's very unwise to do so, as when they get hungry you are still the most convenient meal to eat.
Mutants ( Mutants were created by the government. )
Brahmen :
You were once a normal looking person, but the government has morphed your body turning you into a horrid looking monster. You have increased reflexes and incredible strength, but society will never accept you and they will kill you for any small reason. You are considered a pain in their sides. Brahmen are used as the work force for manual labor.
Sergo :
You are physicly weak, and very small. However, your intelligence is incredible and you can out think even the smartest geniusses of humanity. Sergo's though, they have extreme levels of intelligence are not self aware. The government uses them to make plans for large events or projects.
Vegatoke :
This mutant is not a playable character. The Vegatoke were once people, but their resperatory system had been tambered with by the government, after many trial and error failures, they finally reached their goal with this mutant. The Vegatoke takes in carbon dioxide, and gives off pure oxygen at a very accellerated rate. The oxygen problem is going away with the release of these starnge creatures. The more people we have, the more oxygen they will produce.
Organizations: ( Other groups may be started later )
The Government :
As said before, the government is unfair to the people and is willing to do what ever it takes to reach their goals. Only government classes can choose this organization. If you play as a government character, you must be in this organization, except for the settler.
The Brotherhood :
Made up of people who wish for something to be done about the harsh conditions. They plan on bringing another rebel uprising against the government. They must keep themselves secret to the government, or they will all be put to death. Responsible for the formation of the FFF. Merchants, Government Settler's, Ex. Rebel's and Vualt Dwellers can choose this organization. Nomad's can not choose this organization.
You resort to peacefull ways of resolveing most conflict. Do not believe in war or most forms of violence. Quakum are known to negotiate with the government to make living conditions slightly better for most everyone, though the Quakum have different views of how to solve problems, they are looked up to by the other organizations.
Fighters for freedom :
This particular group is devoted to takeing down the government. They are soon going to declare complete war. The government does not know about them at this time, but the FFF are getting prepared for the battle. Any class which is not in the government, including mutants, can choose this class. Nomad's can be recruited into this organization.
Barbarians :
The people of this organization, or clan rather, are friend to no one and do not offer their services for any price. They are enemy to all and under most conditions would attack, kill, and likely consume any form of underground life that is found on the surface. Only Nomad's may choose this organization.
Slavers :
You traffic slaves and get alot of money doing so, but society looks down upon you and you are avoided. The government buys slaves to use them as laborers and in some cases conduct strange experiments on them. Slaves in excellent considition are privelidged to become a government class if they are lucky.
None :
You do not have an organization, but if you change your mind later you can get recruited into one.
You may not play as a Surface Dweller.
Surface Dwellers: ( These are the documented races so far, there are far far more than this. )
Arachniplex :
A large spider like creature, stands at a stunning four feet tall with a legspan of nine feet. Extremely agile and poisonous to the bite. Travel in groups of two to eight. Can not be domesticated.
Also playable characters, NPC tribes will attack and attempt to kill you. Read Class desciption for more information. Are rarely friendly. Be wary about which clan you run up against, as one might be player controlled.
A strange type of plant, latches onto the host and injects seeds that enter the blood stream through a needle like point, inevitably killing the host upon the maturing of the seedlings. This is how they reproduce, Acids released by the petals of the young seedlings while traveling in your blood stream slowly eat away at the inside of your body. Can not be domesticated. They burst out of you like Aliens.
Doglike creature, stays near water and is rarely seen exploring on land. Travel in packs of five or more. Are considered extremely dangerous. Can not be domesticaed.
Extremely large plant, carnivorous. Is known to eat wandering animals and sometimes men. Camouflaged with environment very well. Hard to kill. Can not be domesticated. Essentially a forty foot venus fly trap that likes all type of meat and not just flies.
Small wormlike creature, burrows into the hosts body and makes way to the brain. Takes control of host. Host can be any form of life, excluding plants and sergo, they just die instantly. Can not be domesticated.
Similar to cow killers ( Large ants ) but more dangerous. At largest they are four inches long. A single nest can hold billions of them. Can not be domesticated. If you see one you might be okay if you see a nest you lunch.
Birdlike creature with an aggresive attitude. Will attack anything within ten miles of it's nest. Carnivorous. Known to attack humans. Can be domesticated.
A large creature seemingly made of crystal. Known to make homes in large caverns that hold crystal. Has never been killed and is seemingly invulnerable. Some refer to these as " Golems ". Most dangerous creature in the RP. Can NOT be domesticated.
Extremely poisonous scorpion like creature. Few have been domesticated as mountable creatures. As large as a small car. Poison can be obtained by milking the scorpion. If you don't know how to milk a snake or other reptillious creatures then don't say you milk one for its venom.
Comparable to the saber toothed cat. Thick skeletal structure and extremely muscular, Do not hunt in packs and are independant. Can not be domesticated.
Cattle like creatures, think of it as a cow, but it has tusks and very rough thick skin. Can be domesticated, is used as food by the Nomad's when times get hard. Miniature elephant.
Small buglike creatures that bore into the brain and eat until you die.
This creature is un-imaginably dangerous in packs. They are intelligent, and work as a team. If one is solitare, it may be possible to domesticate it, however if there is more than one than they will attack you, and whoever else is with you, without any hesitation. They are very Wolf-like but they have the ability to stand and run on all four legs.
Remember all that junk on the discovery channel that said cockroaches would probably survive longer than man? Well, they were almost correct. They do still roam the surface, and havent had to adapt to the new surroundings at all. Harmless, but annoying.
Mega Cities and other locations. ( Each city hold's millions upon millions of people. )
Capital of the underworld. Home to the government. Strict curfew, anyone seen out after the 6 P.M. curfew is killed on sight. Very little merchant activity, the only merchant occupation here is slave trade. Public execution take's place every day after the curfew.
Home to The Brotherhood and the Quakum. Basic residential area. No curfew, and minimal government activity. High crime rate and it is not uncommon to get mugged. Tread carefully. Parasites have been known to attack people in this area.
The stronghold of the Fighters for Freedom. Heavy security, and a safe haven to all enemies of the government. Octervon is a secret and the government does not know of it's existance.
Abandoned city, all inhabitents were killed by the government due to the theft of oxygen. Secret meetings are heald here, and this is where the prison for the government is located. No security throughout the city and the government rarely visits.
A settler community above the surface. Often attacked by varios surface dwellers and the resources are dwindleing. Government soldiers and settlers are not hostile towards eachother and it is, for the most part a decent community. Life expectancy is low due to constant attack.
An abandoned settler outpost. Overrun with surface dwellers, but has intact resources, plenty of them.
Complex S:
Government armory and barracks. Consists of seemingly endless hallways and has an entrence to the outside world. The busiest of all exits to the outside world. Merchant activity is constant. Security is similar to Fort Knox.
1. No double posting.
2. Read over what your posting before you post it, make sure it makes sense and doesn't consist of total broken english, make sure it is in paragraphs and not just one large clump of text, and DO NOT double space. If it is difficult to read, chances are that no one will bother reading it.
3. Stay on topic and dont veer off in discussions about each other's posts, leave a reputation comment or send a PM please.
4. Keep your character within the realm of reality, stick to the class you pick and dont give yourself abilities other players dont have. Each class has it's ups and downs. If you give your character abilites that are not stated in the class description your post will be ignored.
5. No killing anyone elses character, unless you have permission.
6. Do not controll someone elses character.
7. You are allowed only one character, if you want to change to a different character, kill your current character first.
8. If your character uses a gun, keep in mind that you only have what ammunition is already in your gun. There is no way to gain more ammunition once you use all your bullets.
9. You can not claim to be something along the lines of " The best thief humanity has ever known " or anything like that. Yes, I have seen some people do that in other RP's.
If you break any rules your post will be completely ignored.
Age: (Optional)
Organization: (Optional)
Current Occupation: (Settler and Dweller only)
Character description:
Personality: (Optional)
- 8 Replies
Ok guys, I've been lookin at the other RP's on this forum, and you all roleplay a little differently than I do, and I intend to do it my way with my Rp's, but dont worry, it is no more difficult than what you all do, and I'm forced to break one of my own rules, and I must double post, to show you how to do it in my Rp's.
Name: Michael Burdock
Age: 31
Class: Ex. Rebel, Government Soldier
Weopon: Two handed greatsword
Location: Complex S.
Organization: Government ( Forced against my will )
Character description: A mountain of a man. 6"9, braud shoulders, ragged clothing.
Personality: Allways in a bad mood, rebellios and unfriendly to anyone associated with the government.
I stood awaiting for the huge doors to open, another day, another delivery to Perilie. This time it's not food, but more soldiers to help protect the small coommunity.. Only this time I am one of the soldiers.. I bet it's because I'm an Ex. Rebel, they never give me a break.
Some day, I will retaliate...
Ok, That's it. Basicly, what you do is just create a story for your character, but it is not dictated by an a. or b. choice, you controll every aspect of your individual character storyline, and can team up in the RP with other people, to form a deeper story , it is even possible to form small guilds or clans, if you have questions just ask, I will answer and I'm sorry if this is confuseing.
umm for that first post can u email me permission to make that story into a book? my email is
please do i i mean we could make alot of money.
Lol I doubt a book based off of the storyline for this RP would be a great success, but I'm flattered that you think so, lol. I spent nearly 3 weeks writing the story, good to know my effort shows.
I too wish to make a Book out of it LOL. I wrote a few pages more But I need your permission to Continue... I am siriusely wiling (email me for this) -il give u email in a sec- But if this gets a good Book... I am willing to pay you alot of the Money Percentage. Email me PLEASE! kriller509 (my (at) is broken) so.... -The '..'(pretend its the at mark) Please email meh and we can talk
Name: The Black Market
Age: 30
Class: Merchant
Weapon: None
Location: Complex A to Complex Z (Ever so changing)
Organization: None
Current Occupation: Dweller
Character description: Dark-skinned, 5'12 feet tall and has very dark clothing.
Personality: Easily tempered and it's a good choice if you stay away from him. But if you really need something, anything that will help you even if it's illegal. You have to hunt him down.
Not to be a complete buzzkill or anything (unless you're all trolling or something really fishy's going on), but please check the dates of the first four posts.
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