Something weird is happening to my browser, only the wallpaper appears;If i close firefox,it will get stuck in the wall paper.There are no icons,just the
Hey first calm down then go ctrl,atl then delete then go to task manager if the firefox appears then click firefox on task manager then click end task if that doesn't work you are going to have to refresh it everytime.
Oh and please no matter how worried you are dont tittle your topics wtf. We all know what it stands for and i think it falls under cursing but for now lets just say (for the younger viewers) it means: What The Fish. Ok
Well, of course it means What The Fish! What else could it mean?? :P
Anyway, problem solved, thread locked.
And I don't consider wtf swearing, because it can also be read double u tee ef. Srsl. But a thread title should always relate to the topic, which isn't quite the case here... Anywho... *locks*