Well, PsychoIncarnate, I was thinking of this. And I don't know if you already thought of this, but I'll just go ahead and say it. And this is in Java, so... {
if (PlayerScore => ####) //# equals an integer System.out.println (" You earned:" + AchievementName + ". Congratulations!" // This is an achievement that deals with the player's score. When he/she exceeds it, then the achievement is awarded.
A simple-enough "if" trigger. You can go ahead and do all the image imports and everything, but I started it for you. Hope this helps you ; I'm sort of a new guy when it comes to Java anyways :P
Achievements are extremely easy compared to actual gameplay programming. If you don't know how to make them, then you need to do some more learning before you try anything serious.
public var achievement:Achievement = new Achievement(name:String, description:String, exp:Number, unlocked:Boolean);
Yeah, compared to actual game making, basic loops and triggers, followed by line strings are nothing to actually implementing more difficult parts of java, such as movement, collision, indestructibles, and so forth.