I just had a couple of questions and was hoping that a few people here might have an answer.
1. Is there a way to attach an if / else statements to a key.down function ?
2. How do I make my hitTest function keep an object from going through it like a wall.
3. why does my hitTest object seem to stretch farther then I set it to be ? for example I made a tiny line but my hitTest code activates before I even touch the line.
4. In my hitTest I put in there for it to gotoandplay my frame 2 but it doesn't seem to activate when I collide with it... but this code works when I put it in my button...
5. Is there a code to make my object follow a certain path ?
6. how would I go about adding an explosion animation when my object collides with something ?
If anyone could help me out I would be so greatful ! thanks in advanced !