Dogs and Cats have fought for CENTURIES and im sorry if one has already been made, but here is an RPG! you are either a dog or a cat. you have to fight the opposition in a little story we make up. over time you will level up and become top cat/top dog! i will join it too
Name: Gender: (Male/Female) F/C?: (feline or canine) Level 1 - New Born Exp: 1/5 HP: 1/5 Items: (start with kitten food and catnip for a cat) (start with puppy food and a bone for a dog)
I wont start until we have at least two cats and two dogs
Yes, but the creator and other members of this RPG has not been active for a while now, so it will not go anywhere. Please do not post to really old RPGs. Most or all of the users there will have been inactive for months if not years.