Actually in fact there is a new programming language out for sun that allows games to be playable in the browser. JavaFX is a little simpler than regular java but can access the full java libraries. This allows a more versatile web expierience. I have only seen very simple games programmed in javaFX but the capacity for what can be made if sites like this would allow it to be published could bring a new age of browser gaming. JavaFX saves a .FX file that armor games does not support. JavaFX
Also java applets can create some marvaleous games such as runescape or games on Java Applets have been out for a much longer time than javaFX. (this is considering that javaFX only came out in march or may) Most computers are able to run java programs so playing these games would not be a problem. Sadly armor games does not support Java applets or JavaFX games.
Yeah, Flash is better then GameMaker. The Flash is expensive but I downloaded all Adobe products * InDesign CS4 * Photoshop CS4 Extended * Illustrator CS4 * Acrobat 9 Pro * Flash CS4 Professional * Dreamweaver CS4 * Fireworks CS4 * Contribute CS4 * After Effects CS4 * Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 * Soundbooth CS4 * Adobe OnLocation CS4 * Encore CS4 * Adobe Bridge CS4 * Adobe Device Central CS4 * Dynamic Link * Version Cue CS4 and no trial!
So, not completely sure, but can't you use Java to create an applet? Isn't or wasn't that how Runescape works? I'm pretty sure it is programmed using Java.
You cant really use any other program. Though you can get a 30-day trial on flash and get a discount if you are a student (collage, high school, etc) i used the collage discount thing for cs4, and got it 249$ instead of 699$!!!