Is it a hobby of yours to subtly hint at how to pirated Flash all over these forums?
how'd you get it free?
If he's working at a company that develops these sort of things he could have stolen a licence from the company (sneaky and somewhat legal ;D) or he could have pirated it.
Visual Basic for Intro, then Java 1, Java 2, and soon the last year-long course.
Started off with BASIC, I think... my father brought home a magazine and I found an article about some sort of life simulation thing, which I naturally wanted to recreate. Too bad I must've had a few bugs, because while the description was great, my version didn't exactly do what it was supposed to, lol.
Anyway, after that, a few days of Visual Basic, but I really couldn't work with that, so I didn't do that much for a while. After some time though, my study involved C++ classes, which got me back into programming. And, once I switched studies, I got involved with flash and actionscript... that's basically where I'm at now, too. Just a bit better
And AP being... Advanced Program? Advanced Program? (Sorry, I'm not english, so some of the shorts are rubbish to me XD)
In High School(Age 14-18) in the United States AP classes are higher than honors classes. AP classes are classes that will transfer credits over to college when he gets there.
In other words, his classes are not college level classes but the one AP class he takes will give him college credit for one programming/computer science class if the particular college accepts it.
Started off? let's see - I started off writing batch files to mess up the computers at my school when I was 9. From there I've tried various programming languages, I'm not particularly good but I can understand most of the BASICs (get the joke?)