ForumsProgramming ForumWeapons in desire of a Gaecrafter

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I originally posted this topic in the Art, Music, and Writing-section(, but I was told to post this here to get better attention form game-developers, so here's the case;

I've created loads of weapon in flash 10, and I have zero knowledge of action-scripting and animation. but as I'd hate to see these weapons just lying around, I would like any gamecrafter who are making a realistic/cartoon side scrolling 2D game (like Thing Thing or The Last Stand) to use these weapons in the game. There are at the moment 260 unique weapon systems(with melee) with thousands of ways to customize them with vert-grips, lasers, suppressors, mags, iron sights, scopes, flashlights, bipods and grenade launchers.

Take notice to the over-customized Stürmgewher 44 below the explosive/shotgun section. and that weapons like the AR15 can switch barrels as the barrel and the gun are two different models.
the flash file contains about 500 seperate items because weapons like for example the balisong needs three models, two for the handles, and one for the blade.

About the wooden finish to the weapons, these are bitmaps, and fully customizable, but usually contains two layers per weapon against one layer on the synthethic black ones( which I can give a cammo/tan/awesome-touch if wanted). on the second layer, I give the weapons a shining alpha touch to give them a 3D effect(I can post a pic to show this if needed)

  • 17 Replies
566 posts

That is one massive amount of weapons you've made! While the game I'm working on or the games I've in the back of my head can't use such weapons, I doubt that nobody could use these. The detail and variety is just incredible! Great work there iskaksen!

5,579 posts

Those are pretty cool. I'm going to give you a tip on the bullets themselves. They reach right down into the neck of the cartridge and are tapered at the end.

Very good weapons though. Very good.

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