yea, since i have been looking forward to starting up a bunch of games for the site, i need an overview of what to do, the animation isnt the problem i just need a program thats FREE and easy to use. or a TUT on scripting and basicly everything i need to knwo to get started. preferably a way to make an rpg game like "sonny" and "sinjid" like the skill and stat thing used in MANY rpg games and the damage settings and other stuff, ect.
if you have the time to help please do
DACER THE CREATOR OF... soon to be junk and stuff.
To Do List: Get $250 Learn Flash Learn AS3 Get 3 years experience Make RPG
There, I put your dreams in to reality for you.
Games can't just be thought up and poofed out. It takes a lot of practice to be able to program a game then be able to apply the gameplay from your original design to it. If you want to make free games, start with Java or C++ and start there. Bad side to it is you won't be capable of making your own games after 2+ years of intense study.
C++ before Action script 3.Thats a bit new to me,but OK.I guess I am lucky since I am currently learning C++ though anyways,but from what I have heard it is a bit more difficult to learn then some other languages for some reason although I could have gotten it mixed up with some other C based programming language.
It's better to learn a formal language first before you jump in to something a bit dodgy like AS. I'd recommend Java over C++ though because you don't have the pointers in there.