I want to become a game maker, lol but not on this Zalt account but im having ALOTTTT of trouble. I dont understand action script!!! I want to make a game like for example, Fancy Pants Adventure but here are the codes I need: CODE FOR HIM RUNNING CODE FOR HIM MOVING WHEN HE RUNS HOW TO MAKE HIM JUMP HOW TO MAKE HIM STAND ON GROUND WHAT CODE TO PUT TO MAKE HIM GET HIT BY ENEMYS CODE FOR ATTACKING BACK (PUNCH OR KICK)
and thats all I can think of... I know thats a LONGGGG list but if anyone can just help me out with 1 it would be a big help (please help me out with all if you can =P) !!!!THANK YOU!!!!!! this would really be a big help.
Yup, there are tons of information on the net. I've learned to code JS and PHP just by reading official manuals, some docs, examples on the net... And now it helps me earn for living
Being self-reliant is awesome, i assure u
The main principle here is: read it and try it That's the learning process.
If you really want help (as opposed to just asking someone to make your game for you) go to newgrounds.com. There's almost limitless amounts of tutorials to teach you everything you could ever need to know about Action Script and all flash game making.
NG, kirupa, and many, many other sites have tons of information. My best advice (like many give here) is to learn it yourself. Tweek around a bit, see what simple snippets of code do. Build onto that, and keep learning new stuff. If you have some code and it doesn't work for reasons you can't find out, there are so many people who are willing to help you out and give advice. It's not a miracle solution, since it will take time... but the feeling of knowing you programmed something yourself beats everything!