I'm guessing most of you know how to play this. If this is already a thread, please delete it. If it's in the wrong section, please move it. I have not seen a thread like this and I think I put it in the right place. Monkey Metric
I think its better than the 2nd 9.8/10
Now you forgot to write a gameBubble Tanks 2
Oh =/Thats a great game 9/10Gem Craft
10/10 game.My favourite flash game Thing thing Arena 3
10/10, loved it!Hmm, Portal the Flash Game?
5/10 its okSonny 2?
Good game 9.2/10Fancy Pants 1
amazing game, one of my favourites, great puzzles 10/10!!death vs. monstars
oops sorry, i was on the previous page so i accidentally rated portal: the flash versionim not a huge fan of fancy pants :/ 6/10 (same game from me)
Its a good enough game 7/10Hedgehog Launch
10/10Battle Gear
I liked it but struggled on the navy bit to be honest. but still 9.314/10Master of the Secret
Sea?In that case, 10/10. I <3 that game.Thing Thing Arena 3
kinda crappy 6/10tainted kingdom
6/10 I've played better games.Last Stand 2
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