I'm guessing most of you know how to play this. If this is already a thread, please delete it. If it's in the wrong section, please move it. I have not seen a thread like this and I think I put it in the right place. Monkey Metric
Ok game kinda fun for wasting time 8.314/10Santastic Santa!
Seriously, I hate that game. 3.5/10Bars of Black and White
?????/10 Bot Arena 3
Hard but fun. 8.5/10Castle Clout - Return of the King
What manner of game is this??/10 Epsilon
look at the main page
9.314/10 I enjooyed it for a while but gor bored.
look at the main page I don't understand what you mean.
Stickman Madness 2 is a pretty outstanding game. 8.2/10Guitar Geek
6/10Like Super Guitar Maniac Deluxe better.ButtonHunt 3
Fun (-ish) game kinda repetitive though but simple 7.314/10World Wars
Eh, it's a fun game, but there is basically no concept to it. 6/10Urban Sniper 2
I never have played that game before. Though is seems to be inferior to other sniper games. 5/10 Indestruc2tank
2/10Tony's worst game (except from that reindeer game)Age of War
10/10 loved it so much and play it for hours (help me)Magma Mayhem
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