I'm guessing most of you know how to play this. If this is already a thread, please delete it. If it's in the wrong section, please move it. I have not seen a thread like this and I think I put it in the right place. Monkey Metric
not bad, 5/10Bubble Tanks 2Arhh Firetail ninjad me!
Cool game one of the best 10/10Battle Gear
9.5/10 Bubble Tanks 2 is awesome!Elephant Rave
i love that game! 9/10foreign creature
Ok... 7/10Sonny
10/10 everyone knows that!superstacker 2
Perfect Balance is better. 7/10Perfect Balance (Original)
Good. 8/10 Bow Adventure (Very bad game)
I concur not good at all 4.314/10Squiggle Squid
I find it to be lame. 4/10Storm the House 2
Amazing! 9/10Storm the House 3
More amazing! 9.5/10 Thing Thing (The very old one)
Noooo! 7/10Storm the House
Predecessor to some awesome games! Though, it is not great. Warlords (Call to Arms, not Warlords: Heroes)
7/10 good gameperfect balance
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