I'm guessing most of you know how to play this. If this is already a thread, please delete it. If it's in the wrong section, please move it. I have not seen a thread like this and I think I put it in the right place. Monkey Metric
Nope. 5/10 Elephant Rave
1/10 no game play Visible. (yes it is a game) (a new one) (blah) (blah)
Pointless, yet kinda funny. 7.5/10Knight_34 look on the armorgames homepage, it the newest game.Open Doors
OMG! I was ninjad twice!
I hate that game. 0/10 Run Elephant Run
Open Doors is bad. 4/10 Ultimate Down
I ninja'd myself. That's terrible.I hope the next user rates both games.
it's alright. 6/10Bloody Fun Day
Bloody boring game. 5/10Shift (Original)
Haven't had time to play it. GemCraft.
GemCraft is awsome 10/10Nevermore 3
?/10 Nuclear Eagle
I must reply to myself.8.5/10 Boxhead Zombie Wars
Cool. Snowball 2008 is better though. 7.5/0Armor Games Snowball 2008
It's brilliant, shame the people aren't actually real, and the world records don't save.7/10Super Mafia Bros
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