I'm guessing most of you know how to play this. If this is already a thread, please delete it. If it's in the wrong section, please move it. I have not seen a thread like this and I think I put it in the right place. Monkey Metric
My rating was to gemcraft, age of war gets a 8.5/10
sucks hate punk o matic .5/10letum
Not a great fan of it. 5/10Elephant Rave
worst game ive played so far on armor games 2/10 [/b]frantic
sucks 4/10mercinaris 2 world nearly in flames
Ok game but nor bruillianr 6.314/10Maverick
boring talked to magical pig dumb game1/10 the space game
9.4/10 hedgehog launch, because i can't find what game you posted fyrefox.Penguinz
Awesome game! Shooting random stuff. 9.5/10Strategy Defense 2
Great game because it reminds me of fire emblem and advance wars 9.5/10[b]Four Second Frenzy
It's ok, surprisingly funny graphics. 6/10Drift Runners
very good game 8/10Boxhead The Rooms
2Play is so much better. 7/10Stickman Sam 4
I love Stickman Sam 4. 9/10Redstar Fallen
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