I'm guessing most of you know how to play this. If this is already a thread, please delete it. If it's in the wrong section, please move it. I have not seen a thread like this and I think I put it in the right place. Monkey Metric
That was for PR. Chute academy gets pretty much the same thought though 5.314/10
Wow, this game is pretty fast and I am not bad in it!Penguinz
I didn;t like it 7.314/10 much but it was kinda funny with quirky graphicsMich3l try and remember to rate the games. filler
It's by far the best comedic shooter I've played so far. 9.3/10Sniper Year One
Dang you Pixie..Ninja'd.Filler gets a 7.2/10. It's an awesome time waster, but really no meaning to it.
The game is pretty fun when you have nothing else to do and you don't really want to think too much...7.5/10Civiballs
Just wanted to say my upper vote was for Filler.
Civiballs is a fun game. 8/10Fox Fyre
Decent 7.8 out of 10.Age of War...
Age of War is great fun played it on Kongregate completed it, 10/10.Unreal Flash 2007
Ok game starange graphics but kinda fun 8.314/10Sin Mark
Gets tiring only shooting your bowThe last stand
10/10. Last Stand is a great series.Dogfights 2
pretty cool 8.5tactical assassin
It's ok. Too short. 7/10Urban Sniper
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