I'm guessing most of you know how to play this. If this is already a thread, please delete it. If it's in the wrong section, please move it. I have not seen a thread like this and I think I put it in the right place. Monkey Metric
Bad controls not too good graphics and bring 6/10Bunny Invasion II
3/10 Rubbish racing gameHedgehog Launch
Good game, quite fun aswell.9/10!Achievement Unlocked
9/10 Just freaking epic, and I got 99 of them...Age of War
I got 'em all.Age of War 10/10 Completed it too.Sonny <Hate it
1/10 Sonny 1 was dog droppings, but Sonny 2 was dog turds.Classroom 3
Like I don't get enough of it now they make it a game 1/10Elephant Rave
4/10, a pointless game imo..Indestruc2Tank
Very fun game but not as good as the first 7.314/10Kingdom of the Wind
Not the best game... 7/10Battle Gear
6/10. I'm not a big fan of games of that criteria.Neon Disks
I thought it was ok a bit like Pyro though 6.314/10Paint Wars
It was ok. 5.5/10Letum
Awful game 2/10Unreal Flash 2007
I like it alot and it is a lot of fun to pley I like some of the levels layouts. 8.314/10Pragaras
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