I'm guessing most of you know how to play this. If this is already a thread, please delete it. If it's in the wrong section, please move it. I have not seen a thread like this and I think I put it in the right place. Monkey Metric
i love survival lab 10/10penguin skate 2
Cute, but boring. 6.5/10Armorgames Snowball 2008
That is dumb, sorry. 4/10Hedgehog Launch
10/10 great game completedin 4 dayskakaroshi suicide salaryman
Ha, good game. 8/10Sonny 2 and 1
good but not my type 9/10ignite people on fire (aka light people on fire)
That is the most fun game. 10/10Endless War 3
Way too easy but fun 8.6/10Crush The Castle
Not my idea of a time-waster. 5/10Music Catch 2
very fun though repetive. 7.9/10sinjid: the shadow warrior
it got a little difficult but otherwise well done, 8/10arrow of time
Arrow of tim is a cool game 8/10Rage 3
Love that game, great music. I like the weird stances the stickmen do when they get attacked, then they burst into colorful balls. O_oGemcraft 0
That is an okay game, not really my type. 7/10Pirate Defense
I thought it was a good idea though it wasn't done very well. I wasn't too impressed. 6.314/10Totem Destroyer
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