I'm guessing most of you know how to play this. If this is already a thread, please delete it. If it's in the wrong section, please move it. I have not seen a thread like this and I think I put it in the right place. Monkey Metric
Random but good 7/10Crush the Castle
10/10 another creat game1917
I like hedgehog launch a lot it is very fun and a nice simple idea. 10/10Shore Siege
What the..... Oh well Warafre 1917 is cool it has a nice atmoshere and a good balance of difficulty. 10/10Shore Siege
Well fun strategic game. fun to play over a short amount of time.The Game
funny but very repetitive 8/10Gemcraft(not chapter 0)
honestly i dont like it 4/10[b]Hedgehog launch
Awesome Game 8/10 because of Cents and not whole moneySonny 2
Never Played Bowman 2
Its pretty fun but it has no point, but it is funny the things you can do (shoot yourself and hit an arrow you shot in air). 8/10Sonny
Great setup game for a series that the like has never been seen before on the internet since Thing Thing. 9/10Bubble Tanks 2
Really good, but a lot like totem destroyer. 8/10Sooo...Totem Destroyer
I LOVE Totem Destroyer! 9.3/10Phage Wars
10/10 Great Fun Game![/b]Dark cut 3[b]
8.6/10 I thought it wass okay.Feudalism II
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