STORY: The city of Borahamwood. A once bustling city of Virgina, U.S.A. now reduced to ruins after an undead apocalypse. It happened overnight, people started getting flu symptoms, coughing, sneezing, vomiting. Then those people went rabid. They attacked any person on sight, biting, scratching, crushing. They became feral zombies and in a matter of weeks, over half of the population is part of the undead. Most people don't know how it happened. Rumors say that it was because of a bacterial virus from a cooperation called BioTec released into the general public. Others say that graveyards have become to crowded, causing the undead to rise. Some say that they are straight from Hell. You play as a survivor in the massive city ruins, and your fate rests in your actions. The slightest mistake may cost your life, so be cautious, every action you do might just come back to haunt you.
Welcome To Borahamwood: POPULATION 2 MILLION UNDEAD ------------------------------------
Character Creation:
You have some choices on your character.
Adepts: Choose 3 Adepts (Or Skills)
Devil's Tongue: You can persuade many of Borahamwood's surviving humans
Looter: You can search for useful things much easier than other people
Pyro!: You love to use fire. Any fire damage weapons you use will be more lethal. Also you are resistant to fire burns and extreme heat.
Assassin: You can backstab any NPC that isn't looking at you, killing them instantly. Works on both humans and zombies. You also have a high chance of sneaking past any NPC.
Thief: You can pick locks with ease and your sneaking skills are increased dramatically. (Comes With x5 Lockpicks)
Computer Support: You can use technology with much more ease. (Includes computers, security systems, mainframes etc.)
Gunslinger: Damage, accuracy and knowledge of one-handed type weapons is increased dramatically (IE Pistols, SMGS)
Commando: Damage, accuracy and knowledge of two-handed type weapons is increased dramatically (IE Rifles, snipers)
Up Close And Personal: Damage, accuracy and knowledge of shotgun type weapons is increased dramatically.
Gunman: You have a general familiarity with ALL gun types. (But it isn't as much if you specialize with just one type)
Who Needs Guns Anyway?: You are much better at using ANY melee type weapon and can turn any ordinary item into a useful weapon.
ExplosionTard: You love seeing things go BOOM. Any explosives you trigger will be bigger, badder and much more deadly. You also know how to use items like pipe bombs, C4 and other homemade explosives (Not the ability to create them)
Athlete: You have dramatically increased stamina and can sprint for long distances.
Body Building: You have increased strength and more health.
Car Thief: You can hotwire cars, vans and any other vehicle with the right tools.
GPS Man: You have a GPS device and can tell where you are in the city (includes x1 GPS unit)
Carpentry: You can fabric barricades from many ordinary items.
Mechanic: You can fix many types of vehicles. Ranging from roller blades, mopeds, to cars.
Free Running: You can travel across the roofs of buildings, climb things easier, and have a better sense of balance.
Paramedic: Your knowledge of healing items is increased.
Items: You start with 100 Credits. Spend them all.
Pistol (loaded and 2 extra clips: a total of 21 bullets): 70C Assault Rifle (Loaded With 1 Extra Clip: a total of 60 bullets): 100C SMG (Loaded with 1 Extra Clip: A total of 60 bullets): 90C Shotgun (Loaded with 14 extra bullets: A total of 21 bullets): 100C Improvised Melee Weapon (Pool Que, Metal Bat, 2x4, etc.): 30C Knife or Dagger (NOTE: A knife is needed to BACKSTAB): 50C Hotwiring Tools: 40C Military Radio: 20C x2 First Aid Kits: 20C Extra Ammo (6 Bullets): 10C Portable Generator (Powers buildings to increase search rates, if used in hospitals healing items are more useful): 50C Pain Killers (IE Aspirin, can keep you going for awhile): 10C Kevlar Amour: 50C x2 Flare Gun (MAY CAUSE A HELICOPTER EQUIPMENT DROP-OFF): 40C x2 Molotov Cocktail: 40C x1 Grenade: 50C x1 Pipe Bomb:50C Map Of The City: 10C Gas Can: 40C
Safehouse: You have a choice for what place you are currently living in.
Police Station: One-Handed guns and shotgun search rates increase, large amounts of survivors inside, heavily barricaded, large zombie activity outside.
Can I join? If I can, heres my sheet: Name:Jeck Miller Age:23 Adepts:Gunman, Commando, Paramedic. Items:x2 First Aid Kits, Pistol (21 bullets), Map Of The City. Current Safehouse:Army Fort Health: 100% Stamina: 100%
Name: Edward Miller Age: 29 Adepts: Free Running, Body Builder, Looter Items: Improvised Melee(Frying Pan), Map of the City, Pain Killers, Grenade Current Safehouse: Apartment Building Stamina: 100% Health: 100%
Name: Brhundle Capio Age: 24 Adepts: Mechanic: You can fix many types of vehicles. Ranging from roller blades, mopeds, to cars. Items: Pistol (loaded and 2 extra clips: a total of 21 bullets): 70C Military Radio: 20C Current Safehouse: Vehicle Pound: Useful vehicle search rate increase, small amount of survivors inside, not barricaded, small amount of zombie activity outside Health: 100% Stamina: 100%