just Google it.They are quite easy to find,but a good one would probably be [url]w3schools.com[/url] They have tons of resources on there to use including some tags for HTML,but my friend once found a site with all of the HTML tags on it before,so I could probably get that from him if I wanted to, to help you out.
HTML is used to code websites. Yet, there are specific HTML codes used in the way BB Codes are used. BB Codes though, are easier to use. AG does not support HTML.
I'll run you over with a few tags that you will probably use in HTML...
<html> lets the browser know it's HTML. To end the whole page, use </html>
<Title> changes the Title of the page. i.e., the title of this page is "does anyone know html codes? | Community | Armor Games" End your title with the tag </title>
most likely, you will want links on your site. To make links, you will need an anchor. To make a link, type in <a href="InsertLinkHere"> That is the beginning of the code, but now you need the text that wil be seen that you click on. To do that, you simply type in the words for your link.
But wait! The rest of the text is in a link! OMG! Wait. All I have to do is add a </a> tag there to finish it off...
So to do a link, you pt it all together to make something like this...
Next there is the body tag, that simply lets the browser know that what is next is what is the content of the page. simply use <body></body> for that...
For each individual paragraph you use, type <></p>
One problem with html is that even though you may press enter to make a new line, it will still stick the stuff before and after the break on the same line as if there wasn't a break at all. To tell the browser you want to press enter here, type <br> to make a break
to make a different section on a page, what you can do is make a line go straight through the page, type <hr> (horizontal rule) to make that line.
You probably also want labels to make a title for a page, right? well, to do that, you use <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> and <h6> to make the heading. It simply makes the text bigger. hi being the largest heading, and h6 being the smallest text. end it with a </h*>. The asterisk being whichever number you use...
One last thing you may want to know s how to host images. well, what you're going to do is use the <img> tag, but that won't help too much, because you don't know what picture you're using. So what you'll need is <img src="http://photobucket.com/.../.../..."></img>
So there you go! the bare essentials to making a web page.
If I didn't do a good job, plz make corrections where you want. Or if you want to make something I said a bit clearer, go ahead and rephrase what I said... :P
HTML itself is nice and easy. The pain starts when browsers display the results (which may significantly vary in different browsers) xD Especially when it comes to CSS.
That's cool that someone wants to learn HTML and not rely on "build your super-duper website in 12.5 clicks" programs.