it would be cool and easy if everytime we close our browser and we ar logged on to AG, i would automatically log us out. many times i have forgotten to logout and my brother messes with my profile
the only bad thing i could see with this would be that if you were playing a game, would it count you as inactive, seeing as its pretty much impossible for armorgames to see whether or not you are actually doing something on it!! so then when you tried to rate/leave a comment you would get a nasty surprise :-/ can't see it working with any period like 5 mins!! also when you log in you automatically go to the control panel, that would get irritating :-/
in the end it will produce a heck of alot of frustration, for such little gain, seriosuly, if you have others in the house who you know will roam for a logged on computer with malicious intent, then log off, its simple, log off and log on every time if you feel you have to, that's exactly the same effect that would be produced by a feature like this! we might as well not disadvantage the whole community
I know what you mean.Sometimes I forget to log out and when I come back CRAAAZY THINGS HAPPEN!I agree with you but with an option of course because some users may don't like it.
An auto log out is need for people who share a computer. Forgetfulness is common. And you dont want other people messing with your account. All they would need is a check box that says "Always stay logged in" Or "This is a public computer". One will keep you log in always, the other will automatically log you out unless you unchecked it.
@starmaster40 Please don't bring back a 5 year old thread. An auto log out is more bothersome to the majority then helpful, so it will likely not become a site feature in the near future. It's very easy to log out of your account though.