im really new to making games, haven't made one but i would really like to make a game simillar to tactical assassin, could someone help me on how to do that?
um ok first you need to go down to the book store buy a book on programming. Then you need to read that book until you know it like the back of your hand. Then you can buy adobe flash for a couple hundred dollars, and then you can take a couple months to write your game
If you have some money, go find out some stuff about Flash and Actionscript. Go over some tutorials and see if you think you can learn it without too much trouble. If you don't have the money or your hesitant to learn a programing language, look up Gamemaker. It is a free piece of software that is easy to use and learn with out the need of any language(unless you get more advanced).
You could make a sniper game simply with game maker (download at sniper games are preaty simple(without falsh animi then you'll need more advanced stuff). Just get things timed right and edit the played screen properly you can get it.
Tactical assassin is basicly made out of movieclips and buttons. Each button makes the movieclip go to a different frame or animation. At the end of the animation something happens triggering other movieclips. So I suggest learning about buttons and movieclips.
I am 13 but have a very creative mind, i am creating a game like tactical assassin,etc. it looks good on paper but, i dont have the money, or the experience to make it an actual game. i hope someone will at least listen to what i have before passing it off as a childish wish.
if you want to hear my ideas or help me email me at i made the account when i was 5 and am trying make a new adress since it is a pokemon name.) ty or ty not
I am 13 but have a very creative mind, i am creating a game like tactical assassin,etc. it looks good on paper but, i dont have the money, or the experience to make it an actual game. i hope someone will at least listen to what i have before passing it off as a childish wish.
It may not be a childish wish, and I hope you can get this "idea" of yours to become a real game. But as of otherwise I can't really help you out. Mabey ask one of these guys on their profiles?