Guess the real name of the user above you.............if gussed wrong reveal your own nameGuess my name
Gimmy 20$ ...... Ava?
Darn. Jimmy with a g. I should've known. Gimmy.
Really? No.... Not even close
sigh. robby. That is my almost final guess.
That's almost part of my name, but were looking for the first name here
robert. bobby, billy, chase, cat, meow, jake.
Bob, Joe, drake, dog, bark, SteveAnd none of urs r right
no, no, no, no, no, and no.IGIVEUP
It's cauz I don't have a name >Joey?
Come on pickpocket we all know your real name is... ronald?
no not joey but drake was close.dair
Dan? And I really don't have a name
Um.... Joy? I'm running out of names here.(BTW Joel is... RIGHT!)
Actually there r a bunch of names u haven't said Joel, and mine is one of them. I think no one has guest a name with the first letter of my name. Big hint
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