Possible letters left to fill in blank: 3/4 a,i,o.
Hangman hint 3/3: R _ E L (The hint letters.)
Hint 5/5: I'm from Holland, my name starts with the letter in my username, has the amount of letters as much as there are numbers in my username, ends with an upside down 7. and has two different letters between the first and the last letter <which can be a,o,i,u or e.
Hint 5/5: I'm from Holland, my name starts with the letter in my username, has the amount of letters as much as there are numbers in my username, ends with an upside down 7. and has two different letters between the first and the last letter <which can be a,o,i,u or e.
Hangman hint 3/3: R _ E L (The hint letters.)
Possible letters left to fill in blank: 2/4 a,o.
WATCH IT! Guess wrong now and you have completely failed!
I dunno for pacmanpwner. As for Brooo007 i'd guess Brock Nasty (lol).
The letter that exists twice in my name is e. My name has five letters. It is greek but it also exists in america. It starts with G and ends with e. Come on. it is G_ _ _ _e