o.k. i'm trying to make a shooting game right now but i just don't understand how to do it and flash tutorials on adobe.com cost $200 so if anybody nows how to help me, can you please post back or if u want to, u can e-mail me on yahoo. fancy_guy@ymail.com (i no my e-mail is corny but it used to be my brothers and i'm just fell like going through the trouble to change it). thank you for your help!!!
Mm there are thousands of "simple actionscript tutorials" or "getting started with actionscript" guides. If AS3 is looking a bit complicated then start with AS2. Happy googling.
There are quite a few non-adobe tutorials out there... if you searched google for a shooting game tutorial - AS2 or AS3 - there will probably be a few that should give you a good start. Most tutorials also provide quite decent explanations for the code used!