I'm playing the strategy game sea of fire. I'm on hard mode with the new hope alliance. I have tried at least a dozen times to beat the Southrock region but I can't do it. I've switched up my strategies and have lost every single time. I'm beginning to doubt it's even possible to win.
My challege is for anyone to beat Southrock (where you get silicon) using the following code: 12FDF. It's got everything except the capital and Southrock beaten. It's also on hard mode. If anyone can do it and tell me how they did it they'll have won the challenge and my undying respect. I will praise their names to the end of my days. Their glory will live forever, etc. etc...
I won Southrock using your code.... the password is 12FFF and here's how I did it. On the top three spots put airbases. (your AA will be trick you in the beginning because it might shoot down a plane or two but it really sucks something fierce so don't even try it.) have 2 planes together and 1 plane at an even interval so you can shoot down the planes and drop bombs aswell. use the bottom three as anti unit. (beacuse you have planes in the air they server also as anti-tank.) use the last spot for a stock market to build your funds. (in the beginning you will probably loose one of your airports, just rebuild it and keep going.) once you have reached 100 dollars per payment, slowly switch your anti-unit to barracks and send out cheep infantry. (once again, you don't need tanks or bazookas because you have planes in the air.)while your doing this make sure you are still upgrading your funds from the stock market. it will take some time but you will soon have the upper hand and you will win. (atleast that's how I won)
It worked. You are a great legend, riding on your white horse into a sea of glory. Your name is honorable above all others on earth and a thousand angels sing the tales of your wonder. The children of the world, um, tell of your deeds, um, and something else really cool.