ForumsWEPR[necro]Ethics: Your choice

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3,562 posts

This will be an ethical question thread, that will relate mainly to religious beliefs and ethics. Hopefully it will be a good idea and people will want to play.

Each week I will present a topic, and you may discuss it, and bring your morality into the question.

This week:
soldiers have come to search your house! They will kill you and eat you if they find you. You are hiding in the closet farther away from the door than your friend who is hiding underneath a sofa. The people eating soldiers stop in front of the sofa, and start bending over slowly to see if there is anyone underneath it. You see this through the crack in the door. You have 2 choices to jump out, scream and run out the door to save your bestest friend in the whole world, or you can watch them drag him away.

basically would you save yourself? or would you save your friend.

  • 340 Replies
179 posts

Yeah, but something tells me it wouldn't be a happy marriage if my wife knew that i could've saved or child and didn't.

For a mother, her life is the child, She would probably appreciate you saving her, but she will also be devastated for the loss of her child.
3,562 posts

all right guys! I appreciate all of your hard work and effort put into answering the questions on this thread!

new question:

As a nurse, you are the last person to see Mr. Doe before he dies in hospital. You believe that he has become mentally incompetent in the last few hours and in that time he has rewritten his will. In the new will he viciously attacks each member of his adopted family and reveals that he actually was born a woman. He then cuts every family member out of the will leaving his fortune to a Psychic Chatline . Mr. Jones asks you to make sure that the new will gets to his lawyer. Knowing that the document will most likely be thrown out of court but not before the damage to Mr. Doe's family is done, do you carry out Mr. Doe's last request?

What would you do?

New question hopefully by Friday.

1,101 posts

Well,I would burn it... If he is mentally incompetant and this document is just going to get thrown out any way its an easy choice. All that would end up happening would be serious upset in his whole family.. They don't need to see him die on a bad note

18 posts

uhh... thats why it is to test your ethics... >_>

As I said, I'd love to say that I'd save the child and neighbors, that's where my ethics come into play. However, without being there, I have no idea what I'd do at the time. My ethics weren't in conflict, but rather what I thought my actions at the time would be.

As for the new question: I'd get rid of the new will, assuming I sincerely thought he was mentally incompetent and that no one would know I got rid of it, so that his family wouldn't need to suffer more from the attacks mentioned than they already were from his death. However if it was to come out later that he'd rewritten his will and I destroyed it, I wouldn't get rid of it. For example, if there was security footage of him asking me to get it to his lawyer and then me burning it after he died, but they couldn't read the will on the tape, they might assume I did it to prevent someone from getting their dues from the will.
3,562 posts

My ethics weren't in conflict, but rather what I thought my actions at the time would be.

right, well this is basically a scenario thread dealing with ethical choices and dilemmas. A scenario you could put it, to see what you WOULD do, if you were placed in that situation. I don't care if you can't do it, I care about what you would have done. That is the main goal of the thread, to see what other people WOULD have done if they were placed there too.
1,310 posts

I'd hand over the will to the lawyer along with my recommendation that it be anulled. I know that eventually it'll get overturned, and despite any further discomfort to the family, it's just not worth risking my career over.

3,562 posts

it's just not worth risking my career over.

i was thinking of the same thing, because sometimes there are 2 copies of the will when it is amended, and if you chose not to disclose it tot he family it could jeopardize your position as a lawyer in the future.
5,061 posts

I would tell the family about how I thought he was mentally incompetent then give them the will, but would once again remind them that the man was indeed 'losing it' at the time of death, so the will was not to be trusted. Plus it is in my opinion were this will to pop up in court I would be called as a witness or something to testify if the man was sane at the time.

6,800 posts

if he is mentally incompetent, then i would think that he is, in a way, unable what he has done. i would hand over the will, but be sure to tell the lawyer that Mr. Doe is mentally incompetent, and that he may not understand what he has put into the said document.

1,973 posts

Well, considering that you are a nurse, your job is to do what is best for your patient. First of all, the nurse doesn't always know the status of a patient. That is up to the doctor. With this being said, you wouldn't know for sure if Mr. Doe is mentally incompetent. If the patient wished for you to give it to his lawyer than you must do it.

All of this information I got from watching Grey's Antaomy :P

5,838 posts

Yes make sure they unerstand his deteriorating mental state at the time of changing the will after all they have years of memories of him. I don't think too much damage will be done (though perhaps I'm being a bit naive)

3,562 posts

Well I would not uphold my ethical beliefs because I am afraid of losing my job. I would however inform my superiors of my patient's declining mental status as it seemingly hinders judgment. Thats really about it.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

no i would not bring it to the lawyer, if I have a choice. But if my job depended from this, i would give it to the lawyer and i would say that in the last hours he was mentally incompetnt, so he should do nothing

6,800 posts

Estel, all patients have at the foot of ther bead a chart that describs ther illness, medication, etc. The nurse can look at this, and by looking at this would know that Mr. Doe is mentally imcompetent

1,973 posts

You believe that he has become mentally incompetent in the last few hours

First of all, in this situation, it is just a belief that he is becoming mentally incompetent. It hasn't been diagnosed by the doctor at anytime. Also, a chart would not say, mentally incompetent. There is a term for whatever Mr. Doe has, but from what we know in this situation, it's just a belief in mental illness. It isn't set in stone, so there is still room for doubt that he actually was mentally incompetent.

Another thing to throw in, there is still the thought that maybe Mr. Doe is in shock of dying, or this is just who he really is. Not enough information is given, so there are many other variables
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