Just below the green tab there is a grey one with a "Submit" button. Click that and use the form there to submit your game. It does have to be approved, so if it's really just awful, it might not make it
this is Armorgames not Newgrounds, please dont sumbit crappy stuff here if you KNOW its crappy. And, if you think it might be crappy but it has a chance of being good, then submit on Newgrounds first and see what they think, if it gets pass their judgement with a 3.5 or 4 it should be ok here. Besides, who wants to submit crappy work? try your best to produce your best before publishing
yeah just letting you know even being top in my class in flash programming in sno-isle tech my games still are not up to par with the terrific game makers on armor, even my lunar lander game (which is here ) that everyone in my class thought was terrific couldn't make it on, this means you must (as rytherix said) to submit your best work with the most effort you can.
also when making a game make sure you put it on something like SpamtheWeb or another free non judgment upload site and put a link on the forums to it so you can get the opinions and suggestions of others, its very useful and you can also learn alot by going to the programming help forum because with the pros helping you out you can do alot.