ForumsProgramming ForumLooking to build flash game development team.

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7 posts

First, a little about me:

I'm currently an admin for a web hosting company who has been working in the tech industry for more than 10 years on both the admin and development sides. I've also worked on many titles as a game tester at Namco where I was the developer's point of contact for a few of the titles. I've returned to school full time in order to formally get a degree (Informatics --ie. Computer science) as well as do some networking in order to work towards starting a game development company (as well as a more stable consultant business).

As I mentioned, I'm currently in school full time, and working, so my time isn't as free as I would like. I do have some time to dedicate to development/management though and I would like to start gathering a small group of people interested in working on some flash titles on a somewhat casual basis.

My skills: I do have a decent amount of coding experience (payment gateways/database interfaces etc), but I don't consider myself a hardcore programmer. I've just recently gotten into flash and AS3 but am finding it relatively easy to pick up and do things with but am still getting used to it. Coding is not my passion but I certainly understand that in order to see my designs come to life, I have to put in the work. When I need to I can make game "Art" that I feel is passable, but generally only create resource placeholders for a real flash artist. Most of what I put together I feel is a designers proof of concept for getting a team together to put the finishing touches on -- but it works.

My role: I'm a designer by nature and have many projects that I would like to pursue in many different genres. That doesn't mean that I'm not open to suggestions/ideas, spin-offs of the ideas I have or complete departures from what I was thinking. Always open to new fun ideas. I would like to manage the project while assisting in (leading if necessary) the programming side.

I also have resources for web/file/forum hosting and and willing to just do what it takes to help the team create.

The goal: This is all just an effort to create something fun and for all of us to get practice creating and working as a team. Interested?

[b]What I'm looking for:[b]
I'm looking for a small team (2-4?) of programmers. Mid-level programmers that are familiar with flash would be my preference, more junior level programmers are a possibility if you are willing to learn (on your own for the most part - but I'm happy to debug/help where needed)

Please, if you don't understand how to program at all, or don't know your way around flash, help us both out and work on that first.

We'll also want to get a flash artist. I have fine artists that I can enlist for various things and even graphic designers if need be but flash animation/vector art will be needed as well. This is not a high priority in my opinion since art can be dropped in after the game is complete, but would be great to work with someone along the way as well.

So, my questions for you are...

Let me know and we'll talk.

I do have a few little projects that I have been working on I can show you so you know my skills aren't all just talk.

  • 17 Replies
7 posts

Interesting, no responses as of yet. Okay, a question for my own interested, if you aren't interested or qualified, why not?

59 posts

Personally, I know I tend to lose interest in random projects, so joining a team wouldn't be the best idea for me unless I was really serious about it and had more free time.

However, speaking more generally, I suspect your biggest problem is that there's not much of an active Flash development community here. There's a little bit here and there, but a lot of the threads tend to either have no relation to Flash or boil down to "Where do I start?" Your best bet is to look some place where more developers hang out.

Of course even then, you'll have a bit of an uphill struggle. Anyone with enough skill to meet your needs is likely already developing stuff on their own. As such, they're going to question why they should bother signing up with your group when most Flash games can be developed solo or by a programmer/artist pair. In short, you really need to sell them on the benefits of joining.

7 posts

Personally, I know I tend to lose interest in random projects, so joining a team wouldn't be the best idea for me unless I was really serious about it and had more free time.

I think everyone, for the most part, does unless they are really focused on getting something created -- and even then it's hard.

That's part of the reason I want to start a small team. When you have other people you are working with it does help keep the motivation up. Like having a partner to go to the gym or go running with. Even if you both individually may feel lazy and could stay or go, but you'll go because you go together.

Anyone with enough skill to meet your needs is likely already developing stuff on their own. As such, they're going to question why they should bother signing up with your group when most Flash games can be developed solo or by a programmer/artist pair.

True, and thanks for your insight, but I think there may be a lot of value working in a team as well. Working with someone you can play off of each others strengths and perhaps come up with a mix of your design ideas each expanding on the others. Having worked in software design I can attest to, with the right people, this working out brilliantly making even aspects of the code that you detest, almost enjoyable.

Splitting the workload and being able to get something out sooner rather than letting a project linger and eventually just putting it down is also a benefit as well. I know I tend to do that. I can work on something full force for a week or two, then something will come up and I'll change my focus to something else. Working with someone could not only curb the waning interest, but may also be able to finish the project before the waning becomes a problem.

But you're right, I guess I do need to 'sell' the idea more. I know I have plans for DB heavy games that are more involved so I value my hosting resources etc, while most don't see that as being worth anything. Seeing as the first few projects for a team will likely be ramp up projects anyway, it's not a major issue up front.
1 posts

I'd definitely be interested in joining a team like this. While I have very little programming experience, I would help out with the sound design â" an area which most flash games seem to neglect.

566 posts

It's a bit like Erasmus said... while I don't really concider myself a coding genius, I know a bit here and there. And the thing is, though I might -with a bit of struggle- meet your requirements, I simply couldn't devote the time to it even if I wanted to.
I'm still in college, which takes up most of my time... working on a personal project is a lot more flexible than working on a project with a dev team

I do hope you get what you want though, even though I myself can't join it does sound interesting, and I can imagine it sounds that way to others as well.

3 posts

I'm a top notch music producer here in LA. I'm trying to get into the flash development world and definitely want to be involved with a team. let me know if i'm what you're looking for

562 posts

Ummm...this sounds cool, but the last time I did a pair thing I conked out on it (it was via e-mail...eventually I stopped working and I lost contact).

Idk, I would love to (assuming a REALLY flexible time-scheme). It would be via e-mail, would it not? The major problem is that, though coding is my passion, I am still relatively new. Maybe I could get ur e-mail to contact if I feel ready? (I understand if no...I'm a "don't give away personal info" freak)

To elaborate on my novice status, I have SOME experience in basic gameplay element coding, though I am relatively new at OOP (great with a more modern variation of BASIC), and I need more experience with flash before I code advanced stuff (like big menus in-game and huge AI schemes).

And if you do set up another forum post in another area of the site, please post the link to it here...

Good luck!

562 posts

I'm a top notch music producer here in LA. I'm trying to get into the flash development world and definitely want to be involved with a team. let me know if i'm what you're looking for

Btw, great music Chromo! : )

I like hard-hitting.

Dark/Sexy lol good name...
1 posts

I am interested but unfortunately I am still building my skills in Flash/AS so if you feel I can contribute with anything let me know.

10 posts

I'd be interested, but I don't think I'm experienced enough in AS.

566 posts

Now that this has been revived... I was wondering how it went? (mostly aimed at OP) Any luck at all?

2,763 posts

Yeah I saw this a while ago most likely it didn't work out >.<. I don't know how well game development over long distance could work.

I myself would be intrested but can't really decide on if I should learn AS3 or drawing. Right now I'm just learning python.

1 posts

I would be interested in a team like this. I certainly qualify for I have just completed my computer science major at my high school including: Game design 1 & 2 dealing mainly with flash and Javascript. Im currently learning html and ccs coding. I've worked on alot of my own game titles and have worked on other flash teams creating educational games fo my school system. I resently applied to Phillips Exeter academy to further explore my computer science career.

2,763 posts

@Flashaddict6 First of all see the last comment's date? It says 09 that means I posted 2 years ago! This is long and dead. Don't necro threads that are long gone, check the date.

2,763 posts

im intrested. Im the only one in the world who knows how to convert an exe to an swf. (Here) Write on my profile and we'll be a great team

1) This project is now over 2 years old. The person most likely found a different place or is working on game development right now.

2) You didn't create the game maker conversion program so you are not the first one to discover it, get over yourself.

3) I'm tired of seeing that link, can you do everyone a favor and stop dragging game maker threads and necro threads to the top of the forum? Game Maker is technically not programming therefore doesn't belong in this forum. I really, really am tired of it now.

4) I am highly skeptical of if you know how to program at all and the OP said he didn't want people that can't

5) I hate necro's that involve me in the past so I have to re-read my own stupidity and facepalm myself.

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