ForumsGamesQuick Legend + Z7 guide

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5 posts

Hello everyone, I just wanted to post some tips for thoses who wants to get the legend achievement easily

1° : Pick the Bio Class : It's the only class who can deal over 25K dmg in ONE attack, the baron fight is easy. The legend run can be done with other classes but for zone 6 and 7 it will be harder if you don't take a bio
2° : After the first fight, respec, put all your points into vitality, get integrity and reform so you can survive when you fight twisted experiment, the other fights shouldn't be too hard, also don't buy anything in zone 1 and try not to re-spec more than 2 times in this zone
3° : Against felicity you will have to use disrupt ( put at least 1 point in it ) so she can't cast black metal ( it's the skill that reduces 95% the healing you receive ) and let veradux do the fighting ( put him on relentless mode ). When you or veradux are getting seriously wounded just use reform. When she's getting " serious " you can stop casting disrupt : you just have to smash her and make sure that veradux doesn't die.

Zone 2 : It's the hardest zone from the seven for someone trying a legend run in my opinion : first don't buy anything , you will need the money for the respec
The first fights are easy but it's getting really hard when you'll have to face the Knight-Mage-Priest team and the Mage-Mage-Knight team : Cast disrupt or crystallize on the priest so he won't be able to heal anyone, put veradux on phalanx and let roald do the fighting ( yes it WILL take a lot of time and patience but don't worry the other zones are much easier )

The Baron is actually the easiest boss of the game ( for the bios !) : just cast disrupt on him, he'll try to regain focus but that will just damage him and he won't be a big threat

The ZPCI team is pretty hard to defeat in the legend run but if you have some patience you should be able to make it : respec, put 3 points in crystallize and reform : crystallize the medic , let the other teammates bash the sniper, then crystallize the captain, so they can begin to hit the medic then just finish the remaining captain

Zone 3 : Respec and get a poison build ( 2/3 points in integrity, 1 point in toxicant and the remaining ones in envenom and acidific blood) , put all your points in strength this time.
There aren't really much difficult fight except for Clemon : you should respec and put points in disrupt : just use disrupt on Clemon so he won't be able to use his Subversion-Like skill, set Veradux on phalanx mode and let roald do the fighting
Then when Clemon shows his true form you can stop disrupt him and fight normally

Zone 4 : This zone can be difficult if you don't know what you're doing : you should be able to beat this zone with the poison build except for gregor : just use disrupt on him so he can't heal himself.
Shunny also proves to be a troublesome foe : if you can't beat him with the poison build , respec, put all your points in speed, get a speed gear and put 4 points in shadow blend, 1 point in toxicant, 4 points in withdrawal and try to put at least 1 point in agile exposure : cast toxicant, shadowblend, then attack shunny with agile exposure then use withdrawal : i don't exactly remember how much damage but it's something around 10K

For the hydras both builds ( poison and speed ) are viable but it's easier with the poison build : cast envenom or infect on the fire claws then attack the main hydra with Leading Strike / Destroy combo

Zone 5
Nothing special in this zone ,just use the speed build

Zone 6
Easy zone with the speed build

Zone 7

Doctor : Wait 2 turns , use subversion , then use crystallize , wait until crystallize wears off then cast subversion again, repeat until he dies. You'll get the ultimate medical gear for Veradux
The two guardians : Crystallize on of the two guardians, nuke the other one with withdrawal ( it should kill him directly in one hit if you get a critical )
The other guardians gets berserk so you can crystallize him until you can do the withdrawal combo again

The fire samurai : Put the guardian gear and use the withdrawal combo

The corruptor : Nothing hard about the final boss for a speed bio... really I mean it , see -->

  • 102 Replies
3,437 posts

Thanks, yeah I figured luck would have a huge part to play, I debated respecing for more vitality but it would still leave me in the same situation. I've played this through before with training, and I knew this one would be a hard fight on the Legend run.

9 posts

well, here I am again, stuck, after the fight with hunt, I come across to elite that destroy me with a the poison build that this guide recommended.

3,437 posts

See it's a recommendation, you can use other things. Again CRYSTALIZE is VERY useful. Also I'd like to thank Camus for the guide (helped in zone 1 and 2) and Kyandor and the help (and whoever else gave me tips). Cuz I've just finished zone 6 and now on that Doctor...annoyances never cease. (I know what to do don't worry)

14 posts

Night, DON'T use the poison build. At least I suggest it. I didn't use the poison build at all during the entire Legend run. Use the Crystallize build against the two ZPCIs.

15 posts

Honestly, how to you kill Captain Hunt's team, they got a healer and One-hit KO guy, and Captain Hunt himself doing those retarded "Marked for Death/Fire" buffs. Ive already tried using a Crystilize/Reform/Integrity method. I get the sniper down to 400-500 heath, and since im cystilizing the healer every other turn to allow me to damage the sniper, I run out of stunnage buff's then the sniper charges up with "Lock and Load" and "Crouch" and destroy's me or my team and I can't stop him. With stupid Cap'n Hunt casting those annoying "marked" buffs he just makes things even more hard. It's freakin' impossible! I need Help!!

9 posts

Another question about clemon's to get the blackmage achievement, how would I solo him and with what set up?

9 posts

good helped me get past the frost lord on heroic with this walkthrough

31 posts

Zone 2 is not the hardest zone

Camus, do you crazy

84 posts

LordJohna- try crystallizing the captain(the combat medic does not heal the sniper for that much health), and use break on the sniper when he is all buffed up.I think i also used a toxicant-shadow blend- slash combo to deal damage.

Night1121-I used a withdrawl combo with crystallize. The battle will start with clemons casting unknown condition on you, then you crystalize him and buff up for a big hit with withdrawl. Crystallize him next turn (you will probably have to cast crystallize on him twice in a row in order to the CD 6 of the withdrawl).
The skills are 4/4 integrity, 4/4 withdrawl (and 1 for each prerequisite), 1/1 toxicant, 3/3 crystallize, and 4/4 shadow blend.

557 posts

This is nice i just got to zone 4 with this guide up.

50 posts

im allready in zone 5 thanks...i will be soon in zone 7

50 posts

THANKSS!!!!ZONE 7 E LEGEND ACHIVIEMENT COMPLETE!!!(I was so noob, with this guild, i am MUCH better)

6 posts

I need Dire Help on the Mage-Mage-Knight team, i Put Veradux on phlanx mode, and Roland on Relentless. I Crystalize (1/3) one of the mages, while Roland hits the other mage, depending on what went down before Veradux either heals himself or hits Rolands Target. I during this time attack the knight for an approximite 70~ damage. My crystalize and healing capabilities still cause me to sustain major damage from their nukes, as well as 90% of the time veradux dieing. The mages keep helaing themselves before Roland or i can cast the finishing blow, and i can never live long enough for me to survive killing the Knight. A Detailed help would be lovely =D.

13,701 posts

you know when mages heal them selfs they get a debuff that makes all types of damage deal 3 times as much.

6 posts

Yea but when that happens, they reach 500~ aproximite HP and use it AGAIN, and by this time, Veradux is dead, Rolands on relentless, and im doing Crystalize on 1 mage, followed by a leading strike on Knight or Mage, followed by another leading strike (Crystalize wears off), i recast crystalize on it, and continue. But the problem is, Roland CANT hit over 500 Dmg, even with the debuff on it Because i cnt control Rolands Moves. And By the Way the Debuff only makes damage 2 times more, not 3 times.

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