ForumsProgramming ForumFlash CS4 and - stuff...

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I am seriously considering getting Flash, if not for the programming side, then for the animation opportunities...
But then I realized that the Danish Adobe store wants approximately 1160 dollars, rather than the 700 dollars it costs - in America, I guess. I feel somewhat screwed over by pricing differences here. > >
What's up with such high difference? I could understand some 20 dollars or so, but... This seems absurd.

Also, does anyone know how to get a trial edition to work after one's stupid "hacking clever" friend renders it useless by attempting to use a cracked code? I just want the legal trial version, but despite getting rid of all the old files (was a trial version I hadn't even downloaded myself) and downloading the trial edition (and repeating that process three times), there appear to still be something blocking it...

  • 2 Replies
53 posts

"Hacking clever" friend for a simple crack???

(BTW the word "hacker" is being used incorrect here (hackers are NOT illegal) and the correct term for those who do illegal stuff is "cracker" but this is a bit off the point so lets just concentrate on the topic.)

Theres nothing really special about getting illegal programs. Doesnt require any kind of skill or something...
You can use a tor**nt to get Adobe Flash CS4.
The freeware program "uTorrent" is nice. And the site has what you want.

Having said these, im really sorry if i broke any rules.
But if you'll start talking about morals now, come on, he (Zophia) will either get it without paying (a digital copy of no material value, so this is NOT the same as stealing an actual object), or he will not get it at all.
There is ONE difference: He (Zophia) will be happy or he wont.
Theres absolutely no difference for the company Adobe or any other person... (In fact, if he will become a good flash designer, he will even make some other people happy. =P NO negative effect on anyone.)

566 posts

What propably happened after your happy hacking friend was that some leftover registry entries were garbled, which are now preventing you from using the trial version. Clean up your registry (for example by using CCleaner) and that might fix the problem.

As for the other problem... can't you import it from the US then? Or are you specifically required to buy from the Danish store?

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