ForumsGame WalkthroughsForeign Creature Walkthrough

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Level One Instructions
Step 1: Click the vial filled with a bluish gray chemical. It is located just above the flower pots in the lowest left. It makes the potion bubble, causing the scientist to get up.
Step 2: Click the water fountain. It is located in the upper left. It makes the water run, spilling over the basin. Quickly, before the scientist sits down again! This should make the scientist slip and fall.
Step 3: Click the vials in a fitter. They are located to the right of the computer, above the scientist, and on top of the case of even more beakers. It causes one of them to spill on the scientist, burning a hole in his scalp.
Step 4: Click the orange creature in the cage. It is located in the lower right. It causes the creature to break out.
Great Job! The first mission is done!
Level Two Instructions
Step 1: Wait until the security guard leaves the room, then click the banana in the fruit bowl. It's located in the center of the room, on the table. This causes the banana to fall to the floor and splat.
Step 2: Click the light switch. It's located in the center of the left wall. This causes the guard to come back in, and slip on the banana peel. Don't worry if you forgot to do step one.
Step 3: Click the furthest left light. It's located on the ceiling to the left. This causes it to fall on the guard's head.
Step 4: Click the guard's gun. It's located to the left, next to the guard's head. This causes it to hover in the air, turn on the light switch, and shoot the guard in the chest.
Step 5: Click the orange creature. It's located in the lower right, behind the plant. This causes it to exit its hiding spot.
Step 6: Click the metal plate that says "Prof. Douglas". It's located next to the door. This causes the orange creature to take the keys inside and then escape through the window.
Well Done! Level 2 Complete!
Level Three Instructions
Step 1: Click the black cat. It is located farther up the screen, next to a dark green bush. This causes it to become possessed.
Step 2: Click the baseball. It is located nearer you, next to the tree and bat. This causes it to float.
Step 3: Click the baseball bat. It is located next to the birdcage and the baseball. This causes it to hover and hit the ball towards the dog, who attacks the possessed cat.
Step 4: Click the blue-handled chainsaw. It is located barely to the left of the tree. This causes it to start up and decapitate the dog.
Step 5: Click the bird in the cage. It is located next to the tree. This causes it to become possessed.
Step 6: Click the bird again. This causes it to fly away.
Terrific! You just beat Level 3!
Level Four Walkthrough
Step 1: Click the pair of red-handled scissors. They are located on the drawer in the lower right corner. This causes them to cut the lamp cord.
Step 2: Click the glass of water on the bedstand. This causes it to fall and electrocute the woman.
Step 3: Click the bird on the dresser. This causes it to possess the man.
Step 4: Click the knife sheath. It's located on the wardrobe, not on the top but lower, just above the very large wardrobe doors. This causes it to hover above the woman.
Step 5: Click the knife again. This causes it to stab the woman.
Watch the video.
Level Five Walkthrough
Step 1: Click the small, round grey stone. It's located next to the base of the tree, behind the picnic hamper. This causes it to float in midair.
Step 2: Click the stone again. This causes it to hit the man, who stands up and starts yelling.
Step 3: Click the pocketknife. It's located on the picnic hamper next to the lake. This causes the kid to pick it up and throw it into the guy's forehead.
Step 4: Click the knife protruding from the guy's head. This causes both the kid and the woman to run off.
Step 5: Click the green snake. It's located to the left of the pool, hidden in the grass. This causes it to bite the woman on the ankle the next time she comes around.
Step 6: Click the lamp post. It's located on the left. This causes it to fall on the kid.
Step 7: Click the pond. This causes the man, woman, and child to hover then drop into the pond.
Step 8: Click the small red car in the background. This causes you to drive away.
Congratulations! You just owned level 5!
Level Six Walkthrough
Step 1: Click the man with the turquoise tie and brown suitcase when he is crossing the lowest crosswalk. This causes the suitcase to go flying, causing the man to chase after it, causing a car to hit the man, and ram into the next car.
Great Job! You got Level 6! Easy, wasn't it?
Watch video.
Level Seven Walkthrough
Step 1: Click the TV remote, the cabinet under the safe, or the air conditioner. This causes the man to stand up and turn them off/shut them.
Step 2: Click the open drawer on the left part of the desk, then click the center key in the keyring in there. Quickly, before the scientist guy goes back!
Step 3: Click the safe. This causes it to open.
Step 4: Repeat step 1.
Step 5: Click the brown bottle inside the safe labeled with a danger sign. This causes it to fly over to the desk.
Step 6: Click the blue bottle opener, which is located on the desk right next to the poison bottle. This causes it to open the poison bottle.
Step 7: Click the insect repellent can in the garbage. This causes the poison bottle to hover over there and fill the repellent can with the poison.
Step 8: Click the insect repellent can again. This causes it to spray the Jeff Goldblum-like guy in the face. This causes him to choke, and he walks over to the window for some air.
Step 9: Click the window. This causes it to slam down, decapitating Mr. Jeff Goldblum dude.
Step 10: Click the guy hiding behind the curtain. Then click the pages of the journal and read it.

I will be posting further walkthroughs later. For now, I need dinner and a break from the computer. If you liked the walkthrough, submit it to the topic saying "Want To Help The Walkthrough Forum? CLICK HERE!"
Thanks for reading. Hope it helped you out.

  • 3 Replies
8,570 posts

Warning: The game Foreign Creature is extremely violent and gory. Not recommended for the young, squeamish, or those forbidden to play such games who obey their parents.
Aw well if you decide to play anyway, have fun.

8,570 posts

Pictures for you that I forgot...
Just copy and paste into the location bar =)
Level 2 picture
Level 1 picture
Level 7 picture
Level 3 picture
Have fun staring at those =).

8,570 posts

Gah whoops. Messed up on the pictures.

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