3,562 posts
An old favorite, I'm surprised nobody ever did this one or maybe they did and I just haven't found it.
Rule 1:
Answer the decision above you
Rule 2:
No blatant bad language, flaming, trolling, ect.
Rule 3:
Always post a decision for the person under you.
Rule 4:
Respect people's decisions, whether they are trying to be funny or just think that way.
For example:
DDX: would you rather wake up to a cockroach sucking on your ear? or 2 rats making love on your stomach.
2 rats making love on my stomach.
Would you rather chew glass? or sit bare bottom on a barbeque grill.
I shall go first
Would you rather
have needles for leg hair, or
have flares shoot out of your nose every time you say the word "the" (ouch).