Hi, I'm currently searching for an animator/programmer to join a project I'm working on. I have little to no actual knowledge in flash, but I'm working on what may be my first "masterpiece" in the way of music, and I think it'd be awesome to be able to put it in a video. The song is titled "Revelations", and is based on the last book in the Christian Bible sharing the same name. Even if you're not Christian, read the book and you'll see how it could easily have music put to it. Or not, it takes some musical talent. But you should see how it could inspire art. I'm looking for someone who has a lot of animation experience to do the artwork. If we all collab on this, this could be a ground-breaking movie. I don't know how much actual programming goes into a movie, but I'm also looking for someone who actually knows how to work with Flash. I don't, can't afford the program. If interested, post here or comment me. I'm less likely to respond to the latter, though.
unfortunately you won't find too many animators who who are skilled enough in flash art to do a serious project such as this, I say this mainly because not too many people will be interested in religious flash, not to mention the criticism you'll have to put up with after posting such an animation. I would help but I am only good in programming, also makes sure to make a new post next time that you are looking for flash artist (to avoid any confusion, I thought you were making a game).
You don't have to be Christian to write something based on a religious text. If you read Revelations, you'll see what I mean. It's about the end of the world as we know it. Many cosmic events take place - earthquakes, meteor strikes, the four horsemen... I could go on and on. If criticism comes, it'll simply be because the animation isn't good enough. I don't intend to go into the religion of it all - I want this to be a musical rendition of all the events that are happening in the book. It's really quite amazing if you read it, even from a secular standpoint.
even tho newgrounds has alot of asshats, I think it would be a better community to ask for this project because as far as I am aware, ArmorGames is full of gamedesigners mostly. But, most Flash GameDesigners are really just animators with programming skills =P
I know nothing about flash programming, so I don't know how much programming is actually used in a movie. So that's why I'm asking here. I'm not going to ask on Newgrounds. I'm not going to be flamed for asking for help.
Heh you probably just need code for the play button.But animating the whole thing is the hardest part so if someone starts working with you on this it will become his project.
^You obviously know NOTHING about music writing. It requires far more time and effort than the actual drawing-work, unless we're talking professional style animation. Even then, it only takes so long because of things like mouth sequences and things like that. This would be a 2-d cartoon with no vocal animation. I've done some research about animation, but my drawing skills SUCK. I can do a stick figure. I can draw weapons pretty well, actually. But I can't do people and have trouble with basic geometrical shapes. This would be mostly computer done, obv, since it's in flash. And you miss the whole point of I CAN'T AFFORD TO BUY FLASH. I'M POOR.
For a project of this level, I dont think that anyone would actually do it for free unless they had wanted to do it themselves. I also agree that you could try posting on the NG Forums, as they are more active.