/idea from DB05. I asked for his permission to make this thread.Just post something that you think the user that posted above you is known for./inb4 someone says known for making lame forum games.
Known for having the "You are visitor number" link in his user page. being broken .
It's actually not broken. Known for assuming things are broken when they don't do anything.
Known for thinking that broken and not doing anything are different (They are, or may as well be, in your case)
Known for being one of the two(?) penguins on AG.
Known for being that pie guy.
Known for creeping out noobs that intro****** themselves.
Known for never being on at the most convenient of times.
Known for making the FGA.
Known for 2013 user awards.
Being so kawaii
Having dry knuckles, joints, and humour.
Known for the "Say No to WEPR" comic propaganda.
Wanting us to put in a nuke strike in WoC
You're known for having your own armatar.
Known for being one of many knights.
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