/idea from DB05. I asked for his permission to make this thread.Just post something that you think the user that posted above you is known for./inb4 someone says known for making lame forum games.
I would put something about knowing that snag is the devil again, but it's getting confusing at this point. Known for giving cookies to newcomers.
Known for.....um,....well...... sorry, red. I don't know you that well. You're red, right?
You're apldeap123.com, right? Also you're new. Yay.
known for one time being an important member to a flash gaming website's forum section
Known for used to being funny.
Known for being a Proud Member of OctoCan Clan!!
Known for being honest and the 16th president. Oh wrong Abe?Then you're known for that Jesus stuff on your bio.
Known for being slow on answering his forum games BURN
Known for making burns.
Known for smirking and being vengeful.
Known for being sort-of-new-but-not-really-but-hey-he-has-low-posts
Manta is known for having an armatar to match his name. *thumbs up*
Known for knowing a user who is definitely not above him.
Known for NOT being slendeymanarmatarthatsayshi
Known for legos.
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