/idea from DB05. I asked for his permission to make this thread.Just post something that you think the user that posted above you is known for./inb4 someone says known for making lame forum games.
Known for desperately trying to catch up to me
Known for thinking I'm desperate. ha. just bored.
known for not knowing how fun Armor Games can be.
Known for wasting a lot of time on AG.
Known for not knowing that it's not wasting, it's spending.
known for in thirty years looking back at his life and saying "What the heck was I doing back then?"
Known for not knowing that I never regret anything
Known for not regretting anything yet (I wasn't either when I was your age. The first time I felt sorry for something I've done was when I was just 18 (in March 2014))
Known for regretting something on the date above.
Known for sandwiches, not making them or anything, just, known for them.
Known for not knowing what someone is known for.
Known for being the present judge of the official art contest
Known for being pretty new.
Known for being very blue
Known for being a female.
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