/idea from DB05. I asked for his permission to make this thread.Just post something that you think the user that posted above you is known for./inb4 someone says known for making lame forum games.
Known for sports, holiday cheer and 8k posts...
Known for not being around that often! (Hello )
Known for asking someone's soul
Known for talking about the wrong person!
Known for being very helpful!
Known for being new!
(Welcome to the forums! You should post in the newcomers forum!)
Known for helping the newcomers!
(I will take a look in the newcomers forum)
Known for posting in the newcomers forum!
Known for giving warnings to people despite the futility of it.
Known for that dark red armatar.
Known for the hat
Known for being most popular girl here.
Know for knowing no other girl here; what about storm and pegasus for a start!
Known for being wrong. I said here not everywhere.
Known for making children happy at Christimas!
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