/idea from DB05. I asked for his permission to make this thread.Just post something that you think the user that posted above you is known for./inb4 someone says known for making lame forum games.
Known for being here the same time as him :3
Known to post on here more often :-)
Known for being a good friend:-)
Known for continuing the chain of smiley faces.
Known for breaking that chain of smileys.
Known for pointing out the breaking of that chain of smileys.
Known for having been around for a long time.
Know for having 10,825 post right now.
Known for having a pretty unique armatar.
For being knighted.
uhhh...Did I miss that ? You probably mean blessed by a knight...right?
Known for being very emotional
Known for being the unofficial bailiff of Armor Games!
Known for tearing my old armatar's eyes out.
Known for still using a red Christmas armatar! You know, there's a red Easter armatar that suits you perfectly. It was made by kegaumongo
Known for being legendary!
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