/idea from DB05. I asked for his permission to make this thread.Just post something that you think the user that posted above you is known for./inb4 someone says known for making lame forum games.
Being an old user with very few posts.
Known for being the Founder of the Clan that he is being summoned to through many mysterious ways, @SirLegendary
Known for being an isotope. Shapire24 sounds like an isotope.
Known for Zoolander gifs.
^Ha, yeah. Uncomfortably accurate I'm affraid!
The user above is known for being very opinionated despite being so young.
Know for being back.
You're known for taking up the entire first page of forum games.
Known for posting more often in forum games recently.
Known for great name!
Known for being nice.
You're known for sporadic appearances.
You're known for being a angiosperm
You're known for being a wolf while saying you're a homo sapien
You're known for... who are you?
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