/idea from DB05. I asked for his permission to make this thread.Just post something that you think the user that posted above you is known for./inb4 someone says known for making lame forum games.
Known for not being Japanese.
Known for being a good quester
known for beign a king....
Known for being a wolf.
Known for stating things that are quite obvious. As do I to be honest.
Known for being a nice addition to the family.
Known for being the user above my 100th POST!!!!
Known for reaching a 100th post!
Known for knowing that I know he knows I reached a 100th post!!!
Known for keeping track of his achievements :P
Known for being just 4 letters less and one g away from being called goku
Known for overanalyzing.
em ekil sdrawkcab gnipyt ton rof nwonk
Known for being unique.
known for making @The_Devils_Advocate wonder if she knows his previous known for post was typed backwards or if she just thought he typed random gibberish...
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