I was just reading about how easily .swf files can be decompiled since it is an open format and not converted into machine code. Do programmers here use any programs to encrypt or obfuscate their files? Any recommended obfuscators or tips on how to discourage others from putting your game on their site without permission?
I have been making progress on my game (and getting quite attached to it) and I'm now wondering if I should invest in a program like secureSWF (I'm thinking of getting the 'ersonal edition' for $99).
eh, there are programs out there. I don't have any experience with them though. Typically, the developers nowadays want their games to be redistributed by others. As long as you put your name in the game, it's highly unlikely that anyone will claim it as their own. Its too much trouble to try and sort through a decompiled swf, even to change a single textbox.
You'll find that more often than not the people that use decompilers on your hard work often only are looking for a certain aspect or instance. Your overall work should be fine, but if the game has a well-made aspect such as a soundtrack you can expect someone to try and take that by force.
Now that I reread the thread, it sounds less like decompiling and more like simply taking the .swf file. I'll be sure to put my name in my game then. Thanks.