A friend and I just started to make a random game. I want to include a power-up that makes the main character move faster for let's say...8 seconds, then it disappears. How do you code that part?
Also... There are coins in the game as separate MCs. How can I make then appear randomly then at fixed places without using arrays?
It depends on how many frames per second (FPS) your game runs, if it's 15 FPS it means your main loop looops 15 times per second, so do the math and find how much you'd have to add to a specific variable to get exactly 8 seconds
About the random coins, if you want to throw a random position for them, and then have this position permanent for them, you'll have to save these values somewhere. You could code inside the coin movie clip if that works better for you
He's making a Flash game and he needs help with the programming, this is the Programming Help section after all. Although only the two of us are posting, the answer can be ueful to other people, posting here or finding it by Google
Back to the subject, I don't know why you weren't able to make your own code, it could be something like that