I made a armorbot highscore table and everything works fine except it only send the score to the website, Can someone tell how to make it send the NAME and the score. TY
I am using actionscript 2.0 and this is the code i am using: //Send Highscore AS2.0 // Armor Bot Rankz import ab3.rankz.*; function __rankz_send__(par1,par2,par3,par4){ par227 = new LoadVars(); par228 = new LoadVars(); par227.flashkey = par2; par227.SU0249 = par1; par227.bmFtZTE = Armor_Bot_30_En_AS1.Encode(par3); par227.c2NvcmUx = Armor_Bot_30_En_AS1.Encode(par4+"j%e%a%n%s" par227.flashkey = par227.flashkey.split("=".join("" par227.SU0249 = par227.SU0249.split("=".join("" par228.onLoad = function(success){ if(success){ trace(par228.msg); }else{ trace(par228.loaded); } } par227.sendAndLoad("http://rankz.armorbot.com/submit/",par228,"POST" } bXlnYW1lX25hbWVfdmFyaWFibGU = name;//replace my_name1_variable with your name variable (1) bXlnYW1lX3Njb3JlX3ZhcmlhYmxl = score;//replace my_score1_variable with your score1 variable __rankz_send__("MzY0NGolZSVhJW4lcw==", "UU9XSkxWdmI=", bXlnYW1lX25hbWVfdmFyaWFibGU, bXlnYW1lX3Njb3JlX3ZhcmlhYmxl); //Send Highscore AS2.0 END stop();