Lim Ding Wen is currently 9 years old and is very interested in programming. He started programming at 7 and is the world youngest Apple IIGS and iPhone programmer.
Ding Wen is now an iPhone, Android and Java ME developer, with his software Doodle Kids available in Apple App Store and Android Market.
Ding Wen can program in Java, JavaScript and ActionScript. He also understand Applesoft BASIC, GSoft BASIC, Complete Pascal, Orca/Pascal and is now learning Objective C.
Ding Wen is a Malaysian living in Singapore. He is currently hosting The Apple IIGS Show with his sister in YouTube, teaching kids software and programming for the Apple IIGS.
Ding Wen first ActionScript program - which shows his love for the Apple IIGS. He has since written Car and Snow, both excellent replacement for his Apple IIGS demos.
Tbh, Doodle kids only was released on App store because the kid's 9. I really think his parents push him a lot, and have been teaching him since he was in the womb.